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PARENT INVOLVEMENT -Keeping parents informed is critical. -Parent iPad information night. -Having students show their work on the iPads is a good start. -Having students show their parents how to use the device is better.
DON’T TRY TO DO IT ALL AT ONCE! It’s really not about the tool, it’s about what you do with it. *Video courtesy of Mr. Roorda.*
SEARCHING THE INTERNET -Creating icons on the home screen for things like KidRex -Discuss Internet safety -What happens when you come across inappropriate things?(Because it will happen… even with filter) -Teach how to search -Being “specific” -Internet is huge (connect to something they understand – sand or stars) -Types of reading -In depth: for comprehension -Skimming: for Internet searching
TEACHER & STUDENT WEBSITES -Things to consider: -Cost -Space (storage caps and bandwidth restrictions) -Allowed # of pages -Advertising -Customization options -Options: blog, pix, video, audio, individual student sites -Weebly (my website of choice) for Education -Others: build-websites-not-blogs-for.html#.UIiDYhhgMZ4http:// build-websites-not-blogs-for.html#.UIiDYhhgMZ4
STUDENT BLOGGING -Using Weebly: blogs.html blogs.html -Using edmodo -Allows for easy critique (Ron Berger – Ethic of Excellence) -Great parent connection (blog comments) -Makes writing authentic for students
ELA CENTERS -A couple of apps: -iStoryBooks (free – needs WiFi) -I Like Books ($1.99) -iBooks (free): store, top charts, categories, free books -Using iTunes to turn books on CD into digital format -LAZ Level Libraries (one book each level) -$6.99 -Puppet Pals (excellent for Reader’s Theater) -ToonTastic – more advanced (full plot breakdown)
EBOOK CREATION -Scribble Press (free) -Templates (like Mad Libs) -Need to create account (free) -Book Creator ($4.99) -User friendly -Customizable -eBook Magic ($3.99) -Like photo book creators (only have certain layouts)
MATH -Xtra Math (online) -Parent communication (at home log in) -Track progress -Common Core: fact fluency -Show Me or Educreations (both free) -Great for absent students: missed material -Students show what they know -Prove answers -Splash Math (lite version available) - s progress reports: tracks progress -Practice individual skills
PICTURES AND VIDEOS -Record: -Readers theater -Fluency (center) -interviews -Photographs: -Scientific observations -Time lapse -Scavenger hunts (geometry, patterns, etc.) -Adding photos to eBooks
iMovie -$4.99 -Creating videos to show learning Pinnacle -Free -Creating videos to show learning MOVIE MAKERS
WORD PROCESSING -Pages (probably not worth the cost) -User friendly -CloudOn -More difficult to use -Quirky -Notes -Options = virtually none -Great for typing
LESSON PLANNING -Evernote -Syncs to all devices -Work on anywhere -Pictures and recording options -Guided Reading, etc.
ONLINE STORAGE -Dropbox -No account? Use this link: FREE SPACE! -Shared folder instead of R:drive -Student Dropbox account -Push and receive info -Be careful of deletion -Digital portfolios
CHALLENGE BASED LEARNING -Making student learning more authentic -Students drive the learning -Integrating subjects and standards -See edmodo page for resources
NETS – FOR STUDENTS National Educational Technology Standards “What students should know and be able to do to learn effectively and live productively in an increasingly digital world.” standards-2007