Improving Elementary Students' Reading Fluency by Reading Together Read 2 Impress Chase Young, Kit Mohr, and Tim Rasinski
Directions for R2I 1.Choose a text (or texts if they are short) 2.Read a page or paragraph aloud together 3.Read slightly ahead of the student 4.Read with good expression that matches the meaning of the text 5.Have the student reread the page/paragraph aloud 6.Continue with subsequent page/paragraphs for 20 minutes NIM RR
LightningMaria Mohr, Dixon, & Young (2012) Young & Mohr, in press
Young, Mohr, & Rasinski (2015) MeasurePretest MeanPosttest Meant p - value (2-tailed) ES a Treatment (n = 29) < Control (n = 23) Paired Samples T-Test of Oral Reading Fluency (Words Correct Per Minute) (N = 52) a ES, effective size as measured by Cohen ’ s d,.02 = small effect,.5 = medium effect,.8 = large effect
Young, Mohr, & Rasinski (2015) MeasurePretest MeanPosttest Meant p – value (2 tailed) ES a Treatment (n = 29) < Control (n = 23) Paired Samples T-Test of the Multidimensional Fluency Scale (N = 52)
Young, Mohr, & Rasinski (2015) Paired Samples T-Test of iStation Overall Reading Score (N = 52) MeasurePretest MeanPosttest Meant p - value (2 Tailed) ES a Treatment (n = 29) < Control (n = 23)
Recent Study (in preparation) Experimental Group (n = 25) Comparison Group (n = 25) IRL Pre to Post IRL Post to Follow Up Spelling Pre to Post Spelling Post to Follow Up Within Group Mean Difference Effect Sizes Effective size as measured by Cohen’s d,.02 = small effect,.5 = medium effect,.8 = large effect + Indicates increase - Indicates decrease
Why do we think it works?
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References for R2I/Reading Together Young, C., Rasinski, T., & Mohr, K. A. J. (in press). Read Two Impress: An intervention for disfluent readers. Reading Teacher. Young, C., Mohr, K. A. J., Rasinski, T. (2015). Reading together: A successful reading fluency intervention. Literacy Research and Instruction, 54(1), Young, C., & Mohr, K. A. J. (in press). Successful literacy interventions: An RtI case-study analysis. In S. Garrett (Ed.). CEDER Yearbook. Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi: Center for Educational Development, Evaluation, and Research. Rasinski, T., & Young, C. (2014). Assisted reading – A bridge from fluency to comprehension. New England Reading Association Journal. Mohr, K. A. J., Dixon, K., & Young, C. J. (2012) Effective and efficient: Maximizing literacy assessment and instruction. In Ortlieb, E. T., & Cheek, Jr., E. H. (Eds.). Literacy Research, Practice, and Evaluation: Vol. 1. Using informative assessments for effective literacy practices. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group.