Sequenced Units 3 rd Grade – Rutherford Co. Allison Ragan & Marrie Lasater
Session Goals The focus for third grade level will be emphasized. The importance of Table #2 from the CCSSM document will be stressed. The Dana Center Sequenced Units will be explained. Participants will understand the need for number sense and see fluency in a new light. Line plots, rectilinear, and distributive property lessons will be shared. Use TNCore Task Arcs as resources.
CCSS, Introduction In Grade 3, instructional time should focus on four critical areas: (1) developing understanding of multiplication and division and strategies for multiplication and division within 100; (2) developing understanding of fractions, especially unit fractions (fractions with numerator 1); (3) developing understanding of the structure of rectangular arrays and of area; and (4) describing and analyzing two-dimensional shapes.
3 rd Grade Focus Clusters OA clusters A and B from Number and Operation Fractions - Fractions on a number line; equivalent fractions; whole numbers as fractions; and comparing fractions with the same numerator or denominator Measurement and Data (C) – Area including rectilinear
RCS Math Curriculum Guide Dana Center – Why are we using it? Dana Center Make it your own! Added Resources to Choose From EnVision “Doing Math” Tasks Investigations TN Core Task Arcs
TNCore Task Arcs Username: tneducation Password: fastestimproving
Fluency For a long time it was believed that children learned their basic facts through drill and memorization. However, now psychologists and mathematics educators believe that developing quick and accurate recall with basic facts is a developmental process that depends on the development of reasoning strategies. (Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics Van de Walle, Lovin, Karp, and Bay- Williams)
Fluency Expectations An outcome of thoughtful practice and learning Quickly and Accurately Multiply/Divide within 100 Add/Subtract within 1000
CRA Phase 1
CRA Phase 2
Comparing Backyards 3 rd Grade Task #1 (TNCore Task Arcs Which backyard has the greatest area for dogs to run? Write an equation and explain how you figured out the area of each backyard. You may use tiles to construct each yard.
Most tasks have all of these:
Line Plots Line Plots 3.MD.B.4 Measure lengths using rulers marked with halves and fourths of an inch. Show the data on a line plot. Pencils Straws Task
CUT OUT A RECTILENEAR FROM ½ OF YOUR GRID SHEET. WHAT IS THE AREA? SHARE! Build this figure with two colors of tiles.
Decompose Numbers
Problems 3 x 7 (say 3 rows of 7.)
Place Value Blocks
Problem 4 x 12