Board of Early Education and Care Planning for FY09 Grant Program Awards April 8, 2008
2 Planning for FY2009 Grant Awards Types of Grants Administered by EEC Allocation/Formula Grant Continuation/Renewal Grants Competitive Grants
3 Planning for FY2009 Grant Awards Allocation/Formula Grant Allocation/Formula Grant Federal Special Education Funding (“262”) Pass through from Federal Government; administered by EEC through an Interagency Service Agreement (ISA) with the Department of Education (DOE). Awards made to local school districts/charter schools based on two part formula:1996 base distribution per child count; and incremental additional funding based on number of children living in poverty and K-12 populations per district. In FY08 EEC administered $7,546,210 in grants to 306 school districts, serving ~14,300 3, 4 and 5 year old children with disabilities. DOE will run allocation formula by end of March/April. RFR to be posted in early May 2008 with some updates to reporting requirements; funds awarded by September 1, No Board vote needed to approve RFR criteria.
4 Planning for FY2009 Grant Awards Continuation/Renewal Grants Continuation/Renewal Grants Assume prior year funding level and continued funding to all current grantees that remain eligible. Eligibility and major program requirements stay the same; some minor programmatic, reporting or administrative changes to be implemented through Request for Response (RFR). RFRs to be posted in May with funds awarded by July 1, 2008 – subject to appropriation. No Board vote needed to approve RFR criteria. If new funding becomes available, seek Board review and approval of distribution criteria.
5 Planning for FY2009 Grant Awards Continuation/Renewal Grants, cont. Proposed Grants to be Administered as Continuation/Renewal in FY09: Grant ProgramAnticipated 09 Funding for Continuation (Based on FY08 Funding Level) Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) Classroom Quality~6.8m Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) Assessment Planning Subject to funding availability Preschool Direct Services (Formerly known as the Community Partnerships for Children) $47.6 Million Community Partnerships for Children (CPC) Local Planning and Coordination $14.2 Million State Supplement for Head Start Programs$9 Million Mental Health Consultation$2.1 Million Building CareersSubject to funding availability (funded through one-time funds ~1.2M in FY08) Professional Development (CPC)$1.37 Million Accreditation$1.72 Million Massachusetts Family Networks (MFN)$5.2 Million Joint Family Support Program (JFSP)$850,000 Parent Child Home Program (PCHP)$2.25 Million If additional funding becomes available…
6 Planning for FY2009 Grant Awards Competitive Grants Competitive Grants With existing or new funds – based on budget language and appropriation – develop competitive RFR for distribution of funds. Board votes to approve RFR criteria including eligibility, required services and priorities. RFR posting and award schedule based on availability of funding and/or timing of final state budget. Proposed Grants to be Administered as Competitive in FY09: Grant ProgramFY09 Funding UPK and/or other grant program expansion funds ??? Quality Improvement (License Plate Funds) ~$200,000 Revised RFR to be posted in September 2008 for ~$200,000 (to be discussed by Board at future date). Early Childhood Resource Centers$60,000
7 Planning for FY2009 Grant Awards Competitive Grants Early Childhood Resource Centers – Background Project created in July 1992 by the MA Department of Education. Purpose: to address the needs of the early childhood field to have access to a variety of educational resources and materials. Dispersed geographically across the state. The original project started with five sites, and currently funds six sites across MA: Preschool Enrichment Team-Springfield UMass Medical Center and Child Care Connection-Worcester Haverhill Public Library Child Care Resource Center-Cambridge Brockton Public Library; and Cape Cod Children’s Place-North Eastham FY08 Funding: $60,000 total; $10,000 per site.
8 Planning for FY2009 Grant Awards Competitive Grants Early Childhood Resource Centers - FY09 Proposal / Recommendation The new RFR seeks to contract with public libraries in order to: coordinate statewide access and broaden dissemination of early childhood resources; increase access to these resources for all EEC initiatives – MFN, PCHP, Reach Out and Read, CPC, CCR&Rs, and individual early education and care programs (including informal care); gain greater visibility of materials, parenting information and web information to appropriate services for child/parent/family access; and promote early literacy through the library membership in order to increase access to early childhood resources. Required services: catalogue, house and maintain an established collection of early childhood resources; maintain a library webpage to include on-line catalogue of materials and E-links to all six Early Childhood Resource Centers and the Department of Early Education and Care; establish relationships with local coordinators of EEC initiatives; provide technical assistance and support to patrons regarding the early childhood collection; purchase appropriate early childhood materials as budget allows; and promote awareness of family-friendly books, videos and theme kits available for loan to children/parents/families. RFR timeline: Board will vote on RFR April 8, 2008 RFR will be postedMid April 2008 Funds awardedJuly 1, 2008