Lodi Unified School District Proposed Budget - June 16, /20/20151
Local Control Funding Formula Target$262,143,462 – Fully Funded Amount Transition Base Funding $204,484,236 – Difference Target – Transition = $ 57,659,226 – New Funding $57,659,226 X 53.08$ 30,605,517 – County Transfer $ 588,000 Total Entitlement $234,501,478 To Target $27,053,709 Difference from January $10,991,033 Local Control Funding Formula Transition Model Lodi Unified School District Initial Gov Bud Calculation 12/20/20152
Revenue $275,531,982 12/20/20153
Expenditure $263,219, Certificated Personnel 2000 Classified Personnel 3000 Benefits 4000 Supplies 5000 Contracted Services 6000 Capital Items 7000Net Indirect & Debt Service 12/20/2015 4
Components of Fund Balance Revolving Cash Unforeseen or Emergency payment $ 120,000$ 120,000$ 120,000 Stores… Physical inventory of warehouse$ 275,000$ 275,000$ 275,000 Prepaid Expense Future year Payments$ 200,000$ 200,000$ 200,000 Restricted Reserve State Restricted Funds, RRM, Instructional Materials, Mental Health$ 6,188,682$5,208,894$4,334,120 Grade Span Adjustment Unanticipated extra K-3class size or transportation of Students for Schools that exceed average$ 1,000,000$1,000,000$1,000,000 Instructional Materials Future Adoptions$ 2,000,000$2,000,000$2,000,000 12/20/20155
Components of Fund Balance Continued… Programmatic Reserve Multi-year Grants.$ 575,000$ 575,000$ 575,000 Unforeseen Special Education$ 2,000,000$ 2,000,000$ 2,000,000 Carry Over Reserves Site and Departmental allowed carry- Over$ 2,500,000$ 2,500,000$ 2,500, Tentative Agreements*$14,621,652$ 0$ 0 Contingency Reserve Unforeseen Expense$ 500,000$ 500,000$ 500,000 Lodi USD Designated for Economic Uncertainty Cash flow and economic downturn$ 7,925,000$ 8,100,000$ 8,300,000 State Required 3%$ 7,925,000$ 8,100,000$ 8,300,000 Unassigned Non-designated Future year resources $ 0$ 1,907,585$ 6,912,260 *to be added to salaries/benefits and will roll into and /20/20156
Enrollment by Year 12/20/20157
Enrollment by Grade 12/20/20158
Enrollment by Grade 12/20/20159
Special Thanks Angel Murnan, Director of Budgets, and the Budget Department Maria Fong, Controller, and the Accounting Department And, to the Board of Education 12/20/201510