Budget Report April 16, 2014
Governor’s Budget, CPP ●Gov. budget adds $142 m. to overall CSU budget. Cal Poly Budget (proposed): ●General Fund: $107,005,142 (+ $3,488,300 over ) ●Tuition Fees: $ 112,550,000 (+ $2,951,000 over 13-14). ●Non-Resident Fees $ 6,067,000 ●Other Fees $ 7,494,000 ●Total CPP Budget: $ 233,116,142 (+ $6,439,300 over 13-14).
Governor’s GF budget for CPP includes: $72,800 for faculty equity salary adjustment. This is ⅓ of the total. Remainder will come out of campus GF budget. $404,000 to reduce bottleneck courses. Does NOT include $1.9M for compensation. To be included in next iteration of Budget Allocation Memo. CO holds $88.9M for “compensation, student success, and completion, financing maintenance and infrastructure.” Additional Notes:
Funding formula for employer paid retirement changes after State funding of CSU GF employer-paid retirement will still be adjusted based on CalPERS rates, but: “... the salary base used for the rate will be fixed based on the actual 2013/14 pensionable payroll.” Cautionary Note:
Mid-May: May Revise Early June: State Budget Finalized. End of June: CO Budget Memo to Campuses. Next Steps