Overview of Proposed Financial Reports and Instructions 1
Maggie Ewell Fiscal Policy Manager Office of Grants Management Debbie Galloway Senior Fiscal Policy Analyst Office of Grants Management 2
Discussion of proposed updates to the program-specific ETA-9130 Financial Reports and Instructions. Federal Register publication number: All documents are available for review on the ETA Grants webpage at: 3
What is your role in handling ETA-9130 forms? 1. I am responsible for reviewing the data at the grant recipient level. 2. I am responsible for reviewing the data at the Federal level. 3. I am responsible for entering the financial data on the 4. I am responsible for certifying the financial data on the 9130 4. I am not involved in the submission or review of data but am interested in learning more about the process. 4
ETA awards approximately $8 billion in formula and discretionary grants each year to an average of 1,000 recipients. Financial reports for each of these grants must be submitted quarterly on the financial report form ETA There is a Basic ETA-9130 report for discretionary grants and thirteen program-specific variations. 5
Financial reporting requirements for Federal programs prescribed by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) have changed with the implementation of the Uniform Guidance at 2 CFR Part 200 which went into effect on December 26, 2014, consolidating eight previously applicable Circulars. DOL’s exceptions to the Uniform Guidance are at 2 CFR Part
Are you familiar with the Uniform Guidance, the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) consolidation and publication of the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards - Final Rule on December 26, 2013? 1. Yes 2. No 7
With the passage of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), there are numerous new statutory requirements, including new and/or revised limitations and baselines that require the addition of new and modification of existing reporting line items on ETA-9130 Financial Reports. 8
Other reporting line items have been added and removed in an effort to streamline Federal financial reporting and make the ETA-9130 more closely resemble the SF-425 (OMB ), which is the standard financial reporting form for Federal grant recipients. 9 Federal Reporting
Today’s discussion will only address proposed changes; it will not cover every section of each ETA-9130 report and its instructions. For line-by-line instructions, please refer to the existing forms on the ETA Grants & Contracts website at: For additional information, you may also refer to TEGL 13-12, ETA-9130 Quarterly U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Employment and Training Administration Financial Report Instructions. 10
Have you received training on the ETA 9130? 1. Yes ETA Smart Training ETA webinar ETA online training From my state 2. No 11
. 12
Basic – ETA-9130 Statewide Youth – ETA-9130 (A) Local Youth – ETA-9130 (B) Statewide Adult – ETA-9130 (C) Local Adult – ETA-9130 (D) Statewide Dislocated Workers – ETA-9130 (E) Local Dislocated Workers – ETA-9130 (F) National Dislocated Worker Grants – ETA-9130 (G) – NEW Statewide Rapid Response – ETA-9130 (H) Employment Services and Unemployment Insurance – ETA-9130 (I) National Farmworker Jobs Program – ETA-9130 (J) Senior Community Service Employment Program – ETA-9130 (K) Indian and Native American Program – ETA-9130 (L) Trade Adjustment Assistance Grants Program – ETA-9130 (M) 13
Affects ALL ETA-9130s including the Basic Form 14
Line item number 4a was renamed Unique Entity Identifier, as prescribed by 2 CFR This field is currently known as the Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number or Central Contract Registry extended DUNS number. The number is pre-filled automatically by the reporting system and will remain the same until such time a Unique Entity Identifier is determined. 15
Line item number 7 was renamed Basis of Reporting. DOL’s exception to the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR ) allows ETA to require that its grant recipients report expenditures on an accrual basis. If operating on a cash basis, the recipient will not be required to convert its accounting system, but must develop and report such accrual information through best estimates based on an analysis of the documentation on hand. 16
Instructions are updated to reflect the definition in the Uniform Guidance at 2 CFR Expenditures reported on a accrual basis. Expenditures means charges made by a non-Federal entity to a project or program for which a Federal award was received. Expenditures are the sum of: (1) Cash disbursements for direct charges for property and services; (2) The amount of indirect expense incurred; (3) The value of third-party in-kind contributions applied (Reported in Recipient Share Section) ; and (4) The net increase or decrease in the amounts owed by the non-Federal entity for: (i) Goods and other property received; (ii) Services performed by employees, contractors, subrecipients, and other payees; and (iii) Programs for which no current services or performance are required such as annuities, insurance claims, or other benefit payments. 17
RECIPIENT SHARE Section updated to reflect DOL’s exception to the Uniform Guidance at 2 CFR Cost Sharing or Matching. Report matching funds when EXPENDED. 18
Section updated to reflect the Uniform Guidance at 2 CFR (b)(5) Payment. Program income must be expended and disbursed before requesting additional grant funds. 19
Indirect cost reporting line items have been added. Indirect cost expenses are only to be reported by the non-federal entity receiving direct awards from DOL. Indirect cost expenses are only reported annually. 20
ETA attempts to streamline Federal financial reporting by bringing ETA-9130 requirements as close as possible to the already existing SF- 425 report. The following lines have been removed: 10l – Recipient Share of Unliquidated Obligations 10m – Total Recipient Obligations 21
2 CFR revises the certification statement. The authorized official certifies accuracy of reported data by entering their individually assigned PIN. 22
What financial reports does your organization fill out for a Federal grant? 1. ETA-9130s 2. SF-425s 3. Other Agency directed financial reports 4. All of the above 23
Questions? 24
A new Supportive Services Expenditures reporting line item was added to the NFJP Program costs must be classified and reported in the following categories: Related assistance; Supportive services; and All other program services. 26
27 Updates the instructions for the following reporting fields: Administration – Headquarters Administration – Local Other Enrollee Expenditures
Updates the instructions for the following reporting fields: Training Services Other Program Services 28
A new Training Expenditures reporting line item was added to the TAA The amount of funds expended on training services factors significantly in the formula required by regulations for determining annual funding allocations to states (20 CFR through ). 30
Removes the administrative costs reporting field. 31
Current Reporting Cycles - While the ETA 9130 PRA is out for comment, continue to use the existing ETA-9130 forms Future Reporting Cycles – Once forms are approved by OMB, all pre-existing and new reporting line items must be reported cumulatively. 33
34 Expenditures for activities to facilitate the transition from WIA to WIOA must be reported in section 12 (Remarks) of the ETA TEGL – Allowable Uses and Funding Limits of Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Program Year 2014 funds for WIOA Transitional Activities
A new In-School Youth Funds Expended on Direct Services reporting line item was added to the Statewide Youth In-school youth expenditures must be collected in order to determine the total percentage of out-of-school youth funds expended. OSY Expenditure Rate = (OSY ÷ (ISY + OSY)) Calculation is based on funds expended. 35
A new reporting line item for Out-of-School Youth Funds Expended on Direct Services was added to the Statewide Youth WIOA Sec. 129 (a)(4)(A) 36
A new reporting line item for Work Experience Expenditures was added to the Local Youth WIOA Sec. 129 (c)(4) 37
A new Transitional Jobs Expenditures reporting line item was added to the Local Adult, Local Dislocated Worker, and National Dislocated Worker Grants 9130s. WIOA Sec. 134 (d)(5) 38
A new Pay-for-Performance Contract Expenditures reporting line item was added to the Local Youth, Local Adult, and Local Dislocated Worker 9130s. WIOA Sec. 129 (c)(1)(D) WIOA Sec. 134 (d)(1)(A)(iii) 39
WIOA Sec. 189 (g)(2)(D) stipulates that funds for pay-for-performance contract strategies remain available until expended. A new Federal Share of Unliquidated Obligations for Pay-for-Performance Contracts reporting line item was added to the Local Youth, Local Adult, and Local Dislocated Worker 9130s. 40
A new Rapid Response Funds Expended on Other Statewide Activities reporting line item was added to the Statewide Rapid Response WIOA Sec. 134 (a)(2)(A)(ii) 41
A new Incumbent Worker Training Expenditures reporting line item was added to the Local Adult and Local Dislocated Workers ETA 9130s. Employer share of incumbent worker training will also be collected on the new Statewide Rapid Response and National Dislocated Worker Grants ETA 9130s. WIOA Sec. 134 (d)(4)(A)(i) 42
Due to the programmatic requirements in WIOA, a separate report has been created for National Dislocated Worker Grants (NDWG). 43
Comment period for the ETA 9130 PRA package closes on October 5, Send comments to: 44
Have you attended any training on the Uniform Guidance? 1. Yes, in the past year I attended a DOL-ETA sponsored SMART training called 2. Yes, I attended training through another Federal agency. 3. Yes, I attended training through a State or outside organization. 4. No, I have not received any training. 45
What type of technical assistance would you like for the new 9130 when approved? 1. Webinar 2. Online training 3. Regional calls 4. Other (please enter in chat) 46
Questions? 47