Organizing webinars: lessons learned and good practice Informal in-house EEA session 7 May 2014
Outline of today: What are webinars and why do them ? (Pawel) Technical options/licences available to EEA and Eionet and how to book a webinar (Orjan) Smart way and hard way of doing things – tips and suggestions for organizing and running webinars (Marton Herczeg / David McKinnon, ETC/SCP) Other comments and reflections
Why a webinar It is just like a meeting except done via internet, with participants in their offices / homes Inexpensive / cheap (the only cost is time/effort and phone connection) Quick to organize (3-6 weeks) and flexible in responding to needs Good experience in getting good speakers for free Webinars encourage interaction in the countries Webinars can be recorded – so that people can see them at any time
Webinar documents available via Eionet Forum on SCP (password-protected section)