Learning Targets I can define relationship. I can discuss qualities of a healthy relationship. I can explain the difference between constructive and destructive relationships.
Journal Week What makes your best friend your best friend?
Your Relationships List people whom you have a relationship with (parents, siblings, teacher, coach, etc.) Under each of your people, list qualities you expect in that relationship
A relationship is the process of connecting with another Humans are social creatures that want to belong and feel included, which is what being in a relationship gives us.
Types of relationships Voluntary We choose to be in them Friends, significant others, etc. Involuntary We don’t have a choice to be in the relationship Partners, siblings, peers at school or work, etc.
Closeness Circle
Constructive vs. Destructive Constructive Characteristics Can be dependent, independent, or interdependent, according to the situation Allow one another independence and freedom to grow and develop Can communicate effectively to resolve conflicts and solve problems Flexibility Accept differences and work to resolve them Are willing to compromise Demonstrate care and concern for one another Take responsibility for their own behavior and for the relationship Construction Relationships = balance
Destructive Relationship Expect total loyal or no loyalty at all Demonstrate a lack of love or concern or use “smother love” Avoid conflicts entirely or fight and disagree constantly Want to control one another’s behavior Communicate ineffectively Are overly possessive Neglect one another’s needs Find themselves in win/lose situations Become locked into a dependent or independent role
People in destructive relationships tend to be at the extreme ends Don’t care at all about one another “Smother Love” Care about self & others Behavioral Continuum
Improving Your Relationships Keep promises Be loyal Listen Say you’re sorry Set clear expectations Do small acts of kindness Important People Lessons
Review Define relationship. Provide 2 qualities of a healthy relationship. Explain the difference between constructive and destructive relationships. Provide 2 examples of destructive behavior.