Unlocking The Mysteries of God’s Kingdom
Matthew 10:7-9 And as you go, preach, saying, 'The kingdom of heaven is at hand.' Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give. Mysteries of the Kingdom
Matthew 13: 3-23 Matthew 13: Matthew 13: Matthew 13: 33 Matthew 13: 44 Matthew 13: Matthew 13: Matthew 25: 1-13 Matthew 25: The Sower The Tares The Mustard Seed The Leaven The Hidden Treasure Pearl of Great Price Drawing in the Net The Ten Virgins The Talents Parables of Kingdom
Understanding Parables A key to understanding the parables of the Kingdom is to ask ourselves the question - “What does it reveal about God’s kingdom that they did not already know?” Mysteries of the Kingdom
Matthew 13:3-23 Parable of The Sower Those who receive the Kingdom have hearts that are open and responsive to God’s Word and they yield to the “fruit-producing” power of God’s Holy Spirit in their lives. However, the kingdom of God can be resisted. Mysteries of the Kingdom
Matthew 13:24-30 Parable of The Tares Those who are in God’s Kingdom are not in the earth to dominate society nor to be isolated from society, but to be involved and engaged. We don’t get to decide who belongs in God’s Kingdom. Mysteries of the Kingdom
Matthew 13:31-32 Parable of The Mustard Seed Those who are in God’s Kingdom aren’t discouraged by small numbers or small beginnings because they know the Kingdom of God is destined for greatness and someday will cover the whole earth. Mysteries of the Kingdom
Matthew 13:31-32 Parable of The Leaven Those who are in God’s Kingdom are strategically placed in the world to be a disturbing presence. They are here to bring the transforming power of God to everything and everyone they encounter. As Revolutionaries! Mysteries of the Kingdom
Matthew 13:31-32 Parable of The Hidden Treasure Those who are in God’s Kingdom have recognized its great value and gladly given up everything in order to possess it. Some will discover the value of God’s Kingdom without looking for it. Mysteries of the Kingdom
Matthew 13:45-46 Parable of The Pearl of Great Price Those who are actively seeking God’s kingdom will recognize its great value and preciousness. The kingdom of God doesn’t come cheap and not everyone is willing to pay the price for it. Mysteries of the Kingdom
Matthew 13:47-50 Parable of The Dragnet God’s kingdom indiscriminately nets all types of humanity. We do not get to decide which are keepers and which are not. Every person will face judgment. Mysteries of the Kingdom
Matthew 25:1-13 Parable of The Ten Virgins Those who are not “watching” for His return with proper preparation are called “foolish.” The “oil” in this parable represents the Holy Spirit. Trying to be Christian without the Holy Spirit doesn’t work. Mysteries of the Kingdom
What Does The Holy Spirit Bring To Us? God’s - Love, Joy, Peace, Hope, Kindness, Goodness, Generosity, Patience, Humility, & Mercy. Parable of The Ten virgins
Parable of the Talents Matthew 25:14-30 A “talent” was not a word used to describe the measure of a special attribute in a person. A “talent” was the measured amount of either gold or silver (6000 denarii) and represented the equivalent of 10 years wages. (In today’s economy, a talent would be equal to about £300,000.00) Mysteries of the Kingdom
What are the “kingdom assets” that Jesus distributes to His followers for stewardship? Parable of the Talents
What Does This Parable Reveal? 1. These “kingdom assets” are distributed to the disciples of Jesus Christ in different measures. 2. Faithful productivity with each servant’s given measure of these “kingdom assets” is rewarded equally. 3. Good stewardship of these “kingdom assets” is related to increase. Parable of the Talents
What Does This Parable Reveal? 4. Poor stewardship of these “kingdom assets” is related to holding on to them instead of putting them to use. 5. Poor stewardship of these “kingdom assets” will be severely judged. 6. Faithful stewardship of these “kingdom assets” will be richly rewarded. Parable of the Talents
Kingdom Assets Parable of the Talents 1. The Word of God – Math 13:52 2. The Gospel – 1 Cor. 1:18 3. The Grace of God – 1 Cor. 15:10 4. The Holy Spirit – Acts 2:33 5. The Gifts of the Spirit - 1Cor. 12: The Body of Christ – 1 Cor. 12: The Glory of God – 2 Cor. 4:6-7
Kingdom Assets – God’s Glory Parable of the Talents 1. Love 2. Joy 3. Peace 4. Hope 5. Kindness 6. Goodness 7. Generosity 8. Patience 9. Humility 10. Mercy
Are we Living Life The King’s Way … Watching For His Return – Living By The Power of The “Holy Sprit”! Being Productive with the “Kingdom Assets” Entrusted To Us!