Feedback from Joint meeting on 22nd January Anti-Bullying slogan winner Mr Taylor - Teaching and Learning Q&A Random Acts of Kindness assembly team Buxton Extra activities – February Half Term
Buxton Voices Teams…… The Risk Takers We are now made up of 6 different teams The Next Generation The Motivators The Achievers The Brainys The Architects of the future We all come up with ideas and the most popular one is supported
This was the idea of The Architects! Speak out Stand out Be Proud The whole team won a £10 high street voucher. Each!
This week we invited Mr Taylor, the Senior Leader responsible for Teaching and Learning, in for a Q&A session. Hi
Why do we have P4C in year 7 and not other years? P4C is only timetabled in year 7, but many more staff across the school are trained to deliver P4C. See if you can find out who those staff are and ask them to plan a P4C lesson in their subject.
Why don’t Primary groups get to choose what they want to study? That’s more of a curriculum question. The best person to ask would be Ms Broadbent-Bowers.
Can we have more discussions in lessons? (We learn more that way) Brilliant question! I agree, we all learn more from talking than from being talked at! Again, ask your teachers to plan more discussion tasks.
Why don’t we have more performing arts? (primary) Well, there is limited time to fit everything in. However, if it is something you love, think about joining a club…and remember, in year 9 you will be able to choose performing arts as an option.
Why do we have so many worksheets? We would like more interactive work – especially in History & Science I agree, worksheets are not a great way to learn and can become repetitive and boring. Again, talk to your teachers and tell them how you learn best and what activities you like. Remember, teachers like praise too, so when you really like a lesson, tell them.
Why don’t we watch more documentaries? (Primary) Videos and documentaries can be a great way to learn. Ask your teachers about ‘Clipbank’ and ‘Espresso’. These resources exist in school and are full of relevant video and documentary resources.
Why cant year 8 students have more GSCE focused lessons? All your lessons, from reception onwards, should build on skills that will help you in your GCSE. If you feel the work is not challenging enough then don’t be afraid to tell your teacher!
Why is our work so easy? (Primary) Again, if the work is too easy tell an adult, either the teacher or a parent or carer. All work in school should be at a level which provides each student with an appropriate level of challenge…in other words…not too easy…not too hard but just right
Why isn’t our work marked on a regular basis? It should be! Marking is checked to make sure it is up to date. If you feel that your work is not being marked, talk to an adult about it.
Thank you for inviting me to this Q and A session. Your questions have been outstanding.
Buxton Voices Assemblies 9 th - 13 th February 2015 (Week 1) R.A.K Week Random Acts of Kindness Launch
Our next meeting is Thursday 27 th November in the Secondary Main hall at 3pm (a week late because of exams) Joint Meeting Our next Joint Meeting is Thursday 26 th February in the Primary Small Hall at 3.30pm
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