Primary Buxton Voices Feedback to classes PPT 16 th October 2015
Joint Buxton Voices – Friday 16 th October 2015 Agenda (Chairs – Emmanuel/Imogen) Resources and minutes (Jude/Sidra) Apologies/Attendance New Building – Discussion of Plans Travel Plan – Hands Up Survey Random Acts of Kindness Buxton Extra & The Buxton Factor Number of reps who present feedback to form groups Next Meeting
New Building – Discussion of Plans These drawings are artistic/architectural impression s
First Floor
New Building - Questions and answers When will the building be finished? Spring 2018 What’s the first thing they’re doing?The Sec play areas are first to be built on How many halls are there going to be? 2 Main Halls a Dining Hall plus PE areas How high will the new school be? The new school will be 3 storeys high Will all students be mixed together? You will all share a building. Classrooms and play areas will be designed around year groups. Any other questions? Please let you Buxton Voices rep know….
Travel Plan Hands Up Survey Your rep or your class teacher should have This form. Please put your hand up to answer each question (only answer once per question). If you travel to school in a number of ways please choose the way you do the most. It is crucial that we get this information from everybody in the school so that we plan for the new school and the future. Your Buxton Voices rep will receive house points when this form is returned completed.
Random Acts of Kindness Winners - Students ….nominated for the Jack Petchey Award
Primary - Random Acts of Kindness Jude, Amber and Aaliah elected project leaders. Nomination slips are in the Newsletter every week. Please nominate another student or a A member of staff if they do something extra ordinary. Buxton Voices vote and choose a winner every month. All winners will get a prize.
Buxton Voices Feedback to form classes Currently only 3/16 Primary Buxton Voices reps are able to feedback to their classes regularly. This means important information, news and consultations are not reaching the majority of students. Suggestions from Buxton Voices Reps: - Inform staff in the next staff meeting - “Jazz” up the feedback a little - Present PPT in assemblies Action - Junior Leadership team discuss with Mrs Broadbent
Next Meetings Friday 23rd OctoberJoint Primary & Secondary Secondary Main Hall - After school – 5pm Friday 20th November Primary Meeting, THASC, pm