1. Introduction Where?
Observed reflectivity at 3km from
2. Experiment design
Case name GSIDFI Cloud analysis First pass Default value Second pass ¼ of default value Moist variable which applied dfi Novar No gsiWrf office version dfi, with dfi_radar=0 ConvstratiformConv(all)none Applied DFI to Qv only, other mosit variable like Qs, Qc, Qr, Qg, Qi are remain unchanged and Temperature tendency added gradually (Current RUC version) Refstratiform Conv(all)+ rad_ref Cloud analysis followed by 3dvar none The same above Ref+Velstratiform Conv(all)+ rad_ref Cloud analysis followed by 3dvar Conv(uv+spd)+rw Only 3dvar analysis The same above NODFI(only 15UTC available) stratiformThe same above No dfi GDWGNDstratiformConv(all) Radar reflective and radial velocity but in this time, GSI are not followed with GSI step1 but after wrf dfi. Then run gsi and wrf without dfi Fisrt step with DFI and second without DFI CV(Ref+Vel)convectiveThe same above Applied DFI to Qv only, other mosit variable like Qs, Qc, Qr, Qg, Qi are remain unchanged and Temperature tendency added gradually (Current RUC version) VCconvective Conv(all)+ rad_ref+rw Only 3dvar analysis Conv(all)+ rad_ref+rw Only cloud analysis The same above All_initconvective Conv(all)+ rad_ref Cloud analysis followed by 3dvar Conv(uv+spd)+rw Only 3dvar analysis Applied DFI to all the moist variable and added Temperature at one time at the initial status of forward step (Current RUC version but with dfi_radar = 0) IAUConvective With moist variable tendency added Conv(all)+ rad_ref Cloud analysis followed by 3dvar Conv(uv+spd)+rw Only 3dvar analysis Applied DFI to all the moist variable, Temperature tendency added gradually and also other moist variable tendency added gradually (like Current RUC version with dfi_radar = 0 but added moist variable tendency modified by Yi)
3. incremental
radar reflectivity at 3km
Wind field incremental of GSI ---conventional data plus radar reflectivity
Wind field incremental of GSI ---radar radial velocity
Surface variable incremental-- conventional data plus radar reflectivity
Surface variable incremental-- radar radial velocity
Moisture field incremental
4. Forecast result
12 hour accumulated rainfall—from
Moist field vertical slice
5. verification
Verification domain--130 Regional (CONUS) Lambert Conformal grid 13 km
I hour accumulated rainfall verification—different data
Stratiform VS Convective
Different procedure
12 hour accumulated rainfall verification
Next plan Ran with high resolution Change the cloud classification