Love it or Leave it? Job Interview Assignment Instructions: This class is all about MONEY right? Well, in order to manage money you have to have some money! That’s why just about everybody has to work! How else can they afford all that life has to offer? … BUT do they love their work? Do they have regrets and wish they were doing something else? How did they get to where they are? Did they just fall into it? Or was it part of a master plan? Are they stuck in a job they don’t like because of responsibilities? Or are they truly happy doing what they are doing? Everybody has a story to tell and perhaps you could LEARN something from their experiences. For this assignment you’re going to interview two adults and ask them about their careers. You can interview people you know OR you can try to contact people who have your “Dream Job”. You can talk to people that LOVE what they do OR you can talk to people who HATE their job. I will provide you with some basic questions that you need to get answered. However, you can ask other questions too! Let the conversation roll and see how much you can learn! INTERVIEW QUESTIONS: 1. What is your job title? 2. How long have you worked in your present job? 3. Do you love it? Like it? Or do you want to leave it? 4. Why are you working as a(n) ________ (name of occupation?) 5. Is this the type of job you dreamed you would have? If so, how did you make it happen? If not, how did you end up in this job? 6. Do you feel this job pays enough money to allow you to live the lifestyle you want to live? 7. Does this job match your interests and hobbies? Does it match your values? Does it match your skills? How so? 8. Do you see yourself switching jobs before you retire? If so, what do you want to do? 9. If you could go back to your senior year in high school and do anything differently in relation to your career and school choices would you? 10. What advice do you have for me since I’m in the process of figuring out what I’d like to do for a potential career? After the interviews: Type up your questions and answers. (I will provide class time for this purpose for those who can’t do it at home). Each interview should be on its own page. If it goes onto another page, that’s cool too! Once you have them both typed up, I’d like you to reflect on what you heard during the interviews. Write a 3 paragraph response summarizing what you learned. Paragraph One: Introduction to assignment. First interview… who you talked to and what you took away from the conversation. Paragraph One: Introduction to assignment. First interview… who you talked to and what you took away from the conversation. Paragraph Two: Second interview, who you talked to and what you took away from that conversation Paragraph Two: Second interview, who you talked to and what you took away from that conversation Paragraph Three: Sum it up! What do you think about what they had to say? What did you learn from it? Did they offer any good advice? Does this change anything for you in regards to investigating possible careers for you? Paragraph Three: Sum it up! What do you think about what they had to say? What did you learn from it? Did they offer any good advice? Does this change anything for you in regards to investigating possible careers for you?