Front pages
Our Identity…… The first Namibian news publication to have its news content entirely in an indigenous Namibian language. Language medium is Oshindonga and Oshikwanyama dialects. Is popular with suave and trendy young Namibians keen on maintaining Oshiwambo or to learning the Oshiwambo language. Has made great impact in educating and informing the larger population who are unable to read English, Afrikaans or German – Digital Media Platform reach – New Era Pulication Corporation has one of the most advanced content management of internet,digital and social media platforms with interactive features from readers in the country.The content is synchronised between the websites and social media platforms and is complemented with free interactive Mobile Apps for both iOS and Android devices.For the 2 nd quarter of 2014 Kundana’s active digital readership stood at 26,172 readers per week and an average of 135 partipatory/forum comments per story per week.Current facebook likes stand at 11,652.
Strategic Insights…. Website: Printer: Newsprint Windhoek Namibia Circulation: Fridays copies(leading weekly) Print Area: 39cm x 7 columns (273 cm) Distribution:All 14 Regions in Namibia Material: Electronic Cover Price: N$2.00 per copy Offices: Windhoek,Walvis Bay, Rundu,Ongwediva,Keetmanshoop Erongo is the largest single region besides Windhoek sales with readership and sales of 2,500 copies each week,the 4 central north and north-east regions have the combined largest readership of nearly 14,000 copies sold each week.Windhoek sales are at 3,600 copies.The newspaper has national reach with sales being recorded every week at Aussenkehr and Katima Mulilo.The print run return rate average is about 6,5% each week translating to 1,365 copies of which 800 copies are circulated to schools for free as Corporate Social Investment (CSI).
Our Readership Profile…. Targeting LSM [Peri-Urban and Rural Namibia] Strong cultural heritage, with appreciation of Namibian cultural diversity Strong brand loyal consumers Biggest selling area, north and north-east Namibia Windhoek 2 nd highest area followed by the Coast (W/Bay and Swakopmund). Targeting all Oshiwambo readers in Namibia and abroad.