Every Student Succeeds Act Noelle Ellerson December 2015
Moving Pieces? House and Senate Bills: Summer 2015 Conference Conversation: Late Summer/Fall Conference Committee: Nov 2015 ESSA: o Filed Nov 30, House vote 12/2, Senate vote 12/8 o Passed the House ; Passed the Senate o Bill signed into law December 10, 2015
What’s in the Bill? ESSA is a significant improvement over current law. Maintains federal role, but emphasizes role is to support/strengthen, not dictate/prescribe to, schools Returns pendulum of federal overreach and prescription back to state/local control
What’s in the bill? Meat & Potato Issues o Standards o Assessments o Accountability AASA Conference Priorities o Portability, Title I Formula, Expanded Accountability, Expanded Data Collection, Alternate Assessment o We’re 5 for 5!
What’s in the bill? More Accountability o ID/intervene in bottom 5%; ID/intervene in grad rates <67%; ID interim and long term subgroup targets, state/LEA determine intervention Other Assessment: o Pilot, Local Assessment, Participation/Opt Out Early Education
What’s in the bill? Title I, Other o Portability is OUT; weighted funding pilot is IN o SIG is out, but money is still available for innovation o Maintenance of Effort is IN o No Title I Formula rewrite, but there is a Congressional Study Rural Education: REAP, USED Study, and consolidated grants Titles II (Professional Development) and Title IV (school climate) are bloc grants o Title II formula rewrite, toward deeper concentration of poverty
Timeline & Implementation Signed into law (presumably Dec 2015) Current waivers would expire July 31, 2015 New provisions go into effect for school year school year could be ‘soft launch’ of new elements FY16 competitive funding will flow through current law construct; FY17 dollars will flow through ESSA construct (in schools for school year)
Looking Forward Reauthorization is only half the effort. Onward to implementation! AASA set of resources: o Side-by-side: What’s in the bill, what’s new, what’s different o Webinar Series o State Support Model legislation Template talking points One-pagers Research Base State vs Local: When the State says no, is the answer really no?
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