Thursday, December 8 th Bell Ringer #7 Define the 1 “Blue” term from page #139 in textbook.
After today… Students will be able to define Apartheid Students will be able to compare and contrast the US policies of the 1950’s with South Africa’s policy of Apartheid. Students will understand the role Nelson Mandela played in ending Apartheid.
Compare / Contrast Using the textbook pages 139 to 141 compare what you know of the United States struggle with racial equality during the Civil Rights era (1950’s & 1960’s) with the Apartheid era in South Africa
Class Note Until 1994, South Africa was controlled by the white minority. Whites made up about 16% of the population. Blacks and “other” minorities were restricted.
Nelson Mandela Comes of age during the Apartheid era of South Africa. Resists this policy. Was released in 1990 after 27 years in prison. In 1994 becomes the 1 st black President of South Africa
After today… Students will be able to define Apartheid Students will be able to compare and contrast the US policies of the 1950’s with South Africa’s policy of Apartheid. Students will understand the role Nelson Mandela played in ending Apartheid.