Tackling Fuel Poverty Effective and Integrated Approaches Jenny Saunders NEA/FPAG
NEA Strategic Aims Influence and increase strategic action on fuel poverty Develop solutions and improve access to energy efficiency Enhance knowledge and understanding of fuel poverty and energy efficiency Warm Zones Subsidiary – Working in London
Fuel Poverty Advisory Group Remit Membership Priorities Annual Report
Current Fuel Poverty Strategy Targets Policies Delivery routes UK/devolved nations/local London?
Future FP Strategy Legislative Framework Definition (UK- England) Target Policies – this week’s announcements Delivery routes
London – Energy Efficiency
London – Who is affected? Children/Families
London – What Help Available? Fuel Poverty Hub – local authority assistance GLA/Mayor of London – Leadership/20% Eco challange London Warm Zone
Integrated Approaches Aligning objectives to benefit of the fuel poor Cost-who pays and who benefits? Distributional Impacts of policies Tackling Causes – Energy inefficient homes Tackling Symptoms – Fuel debt; Ill health;
Innovations UKPN -Young Carers/Smart meters/heating solutions/aggregated energy savings Supplier Obligations Community Energy Strategy Health and Wellbeing/Commissioning Datasharing London Strategy?
Role of the Voluntary/Community Sector Trust Glue Diversity BESN Delivery low cost/non technical measures; advice; signposting and referral Networks
Fuel Poverty and Older People - excess deaths and over 75s