Poverty In General What is it? Individuals and families in the population can be said to be in poverty when they lack resources to obtain types of diet, participate in activities and have the living conditions which are customary. many different people live in poverty, for different reasons, such as : unemployment, ethnicity and household structure. For example 71% of people in households where the adults are unemployed are income poor, where as households with adults in full time pay, only 4% are income poor.
REGIONAL POVERTY! Poverty levels vary across the UK. Poverty appears to be greater in the north than in the south. Inequalities exist between regions and within regions in the UK. For example, in Scotland 1.1 million people (22%) live in low income households.
The pattern of poverty in Scotland mirrors that of the UK as a whole. Children (27%) remain much more likely to be living in low income households than adults (21%) Over 500,000 people in Scotland earn less than £6.50 per hour. This is 30% of all workers. Low pay, more part time work and higher unemployment means lower incomes and more poverty in Scotland. There are also more people who are economically inactive due to being long term, sick or disabled. Wealth and poverty sit side by side throughout scotland as in all regions in the UK Levels of unemployment and economic inactivity are highest in West central Scotland. (e.g. Glasgow, Dundee and Inverclyde)
Postcode Poverty Postcode poverty is when a person, is discriminated against because their postcode reveals a poor housing estate or rundown house For example, if a candidate for a job gives a postcode in an interview that the interviewees do not like, they will not get the job.
Inequalities in 2 parliamentary areas of Scotland. CategoryRich AreaPoor Area Average Gross Income £31,478£17,170 Life ExpectancyMale: 76.5 Female 81.6 Male: 63.9 Female: 75.9 Smokers30%50% AlcoholMale: 32% Female: 19% Male: 38% Female: 13% Long Term Illness 16%32% Average House Price £111,057£39,539