Advent: Helping others
To prepare people for the coming of Jesus, John the Baptist told them to ‘turn away from your sins’ What did he mean by that? This Sunday’s reading comes from the Gospel of Luke. People listening to John wanted to understand what they should do to become better people and prepare for the coming of Jesus. People should stop doing what is wrong to prepare for the coming of Jesus.
The people asked him, “What are we to do then?” He answered, “Whoever has two shirts must give one to the man who has none, and whoever has food must share it.” Luke What is John telling people to do?
This Advent, we can think about the good causes we have supported as a school...
We can also think about those who still need our help. 700,000 children are living in poverty in the Westminster Diocese. The Catholic Children’s Society works to help these children and their families. 700,000 children are living in poverty in the Westminster Diocese. The Catholic Children’s Society works to help these children and their families.
They will be worried about keeping warm in the winter months and having enough food to stop feeling hungry Many of the children in our Diocese will not be looking forward to decorating a tree, opening presents on Christmas Day morning or eating a big Christmas dinner...
Non-School Uniform Day £1 each to help children in your local area Catholic Children’s Society (Westminster)
During Advent we think about those who are living in poverty and need our help. Think about those children who are not looking forward to a happy Christmas
Dear Lord, Let us follow the teachings of John the Baptist this Advent. Help us to work together as a school to raise money for the Catholic Children’s Society to help them in their work for children living in poverty. Help us to offer strength and hope to those who live in fear. Amen