The Main Idea Game 5 Questions- 5 points Materials: Clicker, notebook, pencil, main idea texts (birds or spiders) Use what you have learned to find the main idea for a grade
Review Please copy the essential question and main idea formula Is there enough evidence to support the claim? If not, then you don’t have the main idea! Main Idea= Topic + Claim (evidence too)
Team Assignment Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5 Non-Response 30
Learning Scale With help, I can find the topic I can find the topic and claim I can find the topic, claim and evidence to find the main idea I can find the main idea and use this information to determine theme, the author’s purpose and support my ideas with textual evidence Non-Response 30
Find the main idea As important as water conservation is, it is also very easy. A few simple habits can significantly reduce the water consumption of a household. One way to save water is to turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth. Also, don’t allow faucets to drip; one drip can waste a large amount of water over a short period of time. Baths require less water than showers, so by taking a bath instead of a shower, you can reduce the amount of water your home uses. In the kitchen, running a dishwasher when it is completely full, rather than half full, can save up to 20 gallons a day. These simple changes will save water and save money.
Choose The Main Idea Water conservation is important. Consumers can save money by conserving water. A few simple changes can save water in the home. Baths take less water than showers Non-Response 30
Find the main idea One the most popular musical instruments is the piano. In the traditional musical instrument classification system of string, woodwind, percussion and brass, the piano falls into two categories. It is considered a string instrument because the sound comes from the strings inside the piano. It is also considered a percussion instrument, since the player strikes the keyboard, which signals an internal hammer to strike the strings.
Choose the main idea The piano is both a string and percussion instrument. The piano is a string instrument. The piano is a popular instrument. The strings of a piano makes the sound. Non-Response 30
Find the main idea. Irish immigration to the U.S. began during the early development of the American colonies. It is estimated that 200,000 Irish came to the U.S. in the 17th and 18th centuries. The numbers swelled from 1820 to 1850 to almost 2 million Irish immigrants. Most of these were fleeing the potato famine from 1845 until 1852. Steady numbers continued to arrive during the late 19th and 20th centuries. Today, over 36 million Americans claim some level of Irish ancestry.
Enter Question Text The potato famine caused many Irish to immigrate to the U.S. The U.S. is a country of immigrants. The Irish are coming to the U.S. still today. The Irish came in large numbers to the U.S. Non-Response 30
Team Scores Points Team
Find the main idea Native Americans dried strips of meat, pounded it into a paste, and then mixed it with fat. Sometimes they added berries and sugar. Then they pressed it into small cakes. They called these cakes pemmican. Pemmican didn't spoil, and it provided lots of energy for people traveling or going hunting. Today explorers still carry and eat this food.
This passage was mainly about who uses pemmican today. what can be put into pemmican. how pemmican was prepared by Native Americans. why people eat pemmican today. Non-Response 30
What is the main idea of this text? Because lambs are sometimes eaten by coyotes, ranchers may hunt or trap the coyotes. However, killing coyotes may upset nature's balance. Scientists have found a way to protect sheep without killing coyotes. Coyotes are fed lamb meat treated with a drug. When they eat the meat, they get sick. Later, coyotes won't even go near lambs. They'll hunt rabbits instead.
Choose the main idea of this text why coyotes prefer rabbits to lambs. why killing coyotes upsets nature's balance. how scientists help protect sheep and coyotes. what kinds of people don't like coyotes. Non-Response 30
Team Scores Points Team
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Learning Scale With help, I can find the topic I can find the topic and claim I can find the topic, claim and evidence to find the main idea I can find the main idea and use this information to determine theme, the author’s purpose and support my ideas with textual evidence Non-Response