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Africa's Land Natural Resources Climate 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points Africa's WaterVocabulary
A material from the earth or nature that has an endless supply or it will never run out
Renewable Resource ClickClick to go back to the home screen
To add variety
Diversify ClickClick to go back to the home screen
How a country makes a living or earns money
Economy ClickClick to go back to the home screen
Deserts receive little rainfall. People need to take advantage of these areas with fresh water or spring water.
Oasis ClickClick to go back to the home screen
This landform in Africa spreads across most of the north.
Sahara Desert ClickClick to go back to the home screen
Identify a landform in Africa that could make economic development difficult. Support your answer using details.
ClickClick to go back to the home screen Answers will vary. Example: Rivers with cataracts, such as the Nile River, may make it difficult to move goods to sell. Ships cannot make it to the sea easily.
The Niger, Congo, Nile, and Zambezi are Africa’s major ____________.
Rivers ClickClick to go back to the home screen
What would cause a ship to not be able to sail from Africa’s interior to the seas using a river?
Cataracts ClickClick to go back to the home screen
Silt is beneficial because it creates this type of soil.
Fertile soil ClickClick to go back to the home screen
What is the difference between subsistence farming and growing cash crops?
ClickClick to go back to the home screen Subsistence farming is growing crops to support your own family. Growing cash crops means you are growing crops to sell to make money.
What is the different between a nonrenewable resource and a renewable resource?
A nonrenewable resource, such as oil or coal, is gone once it is used. You can never get it back. A renewable resource, such as sunlight and water, can be used over and over. Renewable resources will never run out. ClickClick to go back to the home screen
Relative Location ClickClick to go back to the home screen
Africa’s economy mainly relies on this type of natural resource.
Agricultural (farming) ClickClick to go back to the home screen
Mt. Kilamonjaro is near the equator. However, it is cold on this mountain. What factor causes this?
Elevation ClickClick to go back to the home screen
What are 3 factors that influence climate?
1. Elevation 2. Bodies of Water 3. Distance from the Equator 4. Landforms 5. Wind currents/ oceans ClickClick to go back to the home screen
How would the equator influence Africa’s climate?
The equator would cause Africa’s climate to be warmer the closer the land is to the equator. ClickClick to go back to the home screen
Make your wager ClickClick to go back to the home screen
How can Africans protect their economy from economic hardships? ClickClick to go back to the home screen
Diversification ClickClick to go back to the home screen