Report Brief, Report Summary, and Full Report can be downloaded for free: PRESENTATION BY JOHN W. FARQUHAR, M.D., PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE AND HEALTH RESEARCH AND POLICY, STANFORD UNIVERSITY, 11/15/2010 Policy Document Institute of Medicine: June, 2010
Beaglehole and Bonita, 2008
Neglected Chronic Diseases Carry Economic Costs In 2005, it was estimated that India lost 9 billion USD in national income from premature deaths due to heart disease, stroke and diabetes These losses are expected to cumulatively lead to 237 Billion USD by 2015 Source: World Health Organization
CVD Risk Factors Diet, Tobacco, Physical Inactivity, Obesity, Hypertension Hyperlipidemia, Diabetes End-Organ Disease Cardiovascular, Renal Cerebrovascular, Eye Genetic & Intrauterine Factors Broad Social & Economic, Cultural & Environmental Conditions & Policies Identify Need Discover Capacity Commit to Action Cancer Respiratory Dz Factors Within a Life Course Perspective Poverty Develop and Pretest Methods Build Capacity Implement A Multi-Level Intervention Evaluate and Recycle as Needed Disseminate Locally & Globally Sequence of Events Drivers of Change Toward Globalization Industrialization, Science & Information Technology Urbanization Efficient Agriculture & Marketing CVD Risk Factors Strategies Needed: Prevention (primordial, primary and secondary); Economic Development; Partnerships for Global Action; Support from the Developed World; Continuous Measurement; Future Needs will Define New Strategies
A Call For Action May 28, 1992 We have the scientific knowledge to create a world in which most heart disease and stroke could be eliminated. Dr. John W. Farquhar, Chair, Advisory Board, International Heart Health Conference
UN Millennium Goals ( see UN members, yr 2000, goal 0.7% GNI aid for Int Development Achievements by 2009: , Sweden, Norway, Lux, Denmark, Netherlands , Belgium, Finland, Ireland, UK, Swiss, France, Spain , Germany, Austria, Canada, NZ, Portugal , US, Greece, Japan, Italy, Korea (US 19 th of 22 in 2009) Good News: US private aid highest in world and 2x government aid Smart aid helps:--Bangladesh: measles immunization & mortality See millenium villages (Jeffrey Sachs, Earth Institute, Columbia U) Severe poverty fell from 40% to 20%, 1981 to 2009 Recent surge interest global health: US med schools & students
Need for action Robert Proctor, Dept of History, states: one billion deaths from tobacco predicted in the 21 st Century NYTimes, 11/14/10: Cigarette Giants in a Global Fight against regulations in developing countries, (so, one billion is not enough?) John Donne in 1630, ‘no man is an island, entire of itself...any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, & therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee’ So: A Call (to thee) for Action on Global Health, including political pressure, with a united front of scientists and all health professionals!