Applying Person-Centred values in a residential home setting. Esther Beck UUJ 9 May 2012
MY BACKGROUND Acute Sector 2006 Current Post
The Faith House Family 65 bedded unit History The Future
Need for Expertise Specialist Practice Nursing Course in Dementia Care
Definition: WHO 1992 “Dementia is a syndrome due to disease in the brain, usually of a chronic or progressive nature, in which there is disturbance of multiple cortical functions, calculation, learning capacity, language and judgement. Consciousness is not clouded. Impairment of cognitive function are commonly accompanied, and occasionally preceded by deterioration in emotional control, social behaviour, or motivation”
Case Study 1: Looking for Mavis “It strikes the world that this is a burden for me, but what they don’t know is that he’s worth it. His weaknesses are only the tip of life’s iceberg. At night, as he asks for the fifth time what my plan is tomorrow, his gentle hands warm me into a sound sleep” (Weyl, 2009, pp12)
WANDERING Current Theory Observing Dave Interventions Used Outcomes & Conclusions
CASE STUDY 2 ‘Nursing models of dementia care cannot be so focused on the diseased body that critical changes to biopsychosocial- spiritual realms of health are ignored’ (Penrod et al; 2007) ‘The primary goal of dementia care must be centred on maintaining personhood’ (Penrod et al; 2007) I have a meeting to take
Personhood Person-centred environment “I need to get to my meeting” The Great Escape The Greater Escape Interventions Outcomes
CASE STUDY 3 Behavioural Sciences Approach “Nellie I need you” Admission Strategies and Interventions Needs Identified Conclusions
SOMEWHERE OUT THERE Somewhere out there, there is someone who needs: A touch of your hand. A smile. A kind word. Some understanding. Forgiveness. A whisper of appreciation. Something to eat. A place out of the cold. A pair of warm socks. To be remembered. Just remembered, Even that will do. As you live your life from this moment to next, Please think about those whose paths you cross. Even if they stand right in front of you, Take one little step that can, And will, Make all the difference, in the world TAKE HOME MESSAGE
Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God DEUT 7:9