National Mental Health, Dementia and Neurology Intelligence Network (NMHDNIN) James Seward, Programme Lead.


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Presentation transcript:

National Mental Health, Dementia and Neurology Intelligence Network (NMHDNIN) James Seward, Programme Lead

Public Health England Purpose Public Health England exists to protect and improve the nation's health and wellbeing, and reduce health inequalities. How It does this through world-class science, knowledge and intelligence, advocacy, partnerships and the delivery of specialist public health services. Governance PHE is an operationally autonomous executive agency of the Department of Health. 2Health intelligence networks – session for MSc in Health Policy, Imperial College London, 11 May 2015

PHE’s health Intelligence networks Turn data into meaningful health intelligence to inform the planning and delivery of high quality, cost-effective services Work with partners and stakeholders to agree priorities, increase efficiency, drive innovation, and deliver effectively Ensure intelligence is understood and used to improve the health and wellbeing of the population and reduce inequalities Practical support to strategic clinical networks and other local partners Eyes on the long term prize: –Data linkage across clinical pathways and external agencies –Translation of research findings –shift in resources towards primary and secondary prevention –Better outcomes and reduced health inequalities

NMHDNIN core purpose To operate as a network across the mental health and wellbeing, dementia and neurology system partners and deliver for all Support the delivery of national policy and enable local intelligence- driven improvement Provide useful and impactful data & intelligence tools to local public health system, NHS commissioners and local authorities to: Identify and measure inequality Understand the whole system (from community prevention to accessing health services and in promoting better outcomes and recovery) Investigate new models of working, and relate activity and outcomes to cost Disseminate & support local use of intelligence tools Measure impact & continuously improve through end user testing

Our operating environment The Mental Health Taskforce Mental Health & LTCs Policy Teams NHSE Key Focus on:  closing the health and wellbeing gap  Prevention and early intervention  finance and efficiency  care and quality Strategic Priorities:  Prevention and promotion  Improving the lives of those with mental illness  Suicide prevention NHS England 5 Year- Forward View PHE’s remit letter PHE 7 Priorities Public Mental Health (PHE) Key Focus on:  Prevention  New models of care  Managing demand, efficiency and funding ‘development of the MHIN to create a transparent and effective benchmarking tool for CCGs and LAs’ NMHDNIN Key Focus on:  Dementia prevention  ‘Ensuring every child has the best start in life’  Mental Health is embedded in all 7 Older People’s team (PHE) PM’s Dementia 2020 Challenge

The National Mental Health Intelligence Network (NMHIN) 6Presentation title - edit in Header and Footer

NMHIN first year headlines Collated and presented a range of publically available mental health data in the public domain Produced Fingertips Profiles presenting national data by Local Authority and CCG geographies for: SMI, CMHD, CYPMH, Co-existing Substance Misuse & Mental Illness, Suicide Prevention Profiles are well-used Supported local systems to use tools for local benchmarking to support improvement and commissioning plans Developed Data Briefing for Psychosis Care Pathway and the CYP Wellbeing Good Indicators Guide. Expanded the quality and content of the Profiles – moving towards Provider based data for SMI (with NHSBN support)

Current products 8 SCN event October 2015 Profiling tools on Fingertips Intelligence products  Measuring mental wellbeing in children and young people  Psychosis data briefing

For example, as a commissioner I’d want to gain a picture of demand for EIP services, will my area be able to meet the new 2 week target?

For example, as a commissioner at Brent CCG I’d want to gain a picture of how my area is performance against IAPT waiting time measures currently?

This trend data shows me suicide rates are decreasing, what initiatives may have Manchester introduced to result in this?

Measuring Mental Wellbeing in Children & Young People Published 2 nd October Provides practical support to those wishing to support local JSNAs and the commissioning of interventions to improve the mental wellbeing of local children and young people. Identifies the factors which influence the mental wellbeing of younger populations Identifies measures which may be used to quantify mental wellbeing and its key determinants Includes advice on the selection, use and limitations of each measure, to enable local analysts and practitioners to select the most relevant indicators for their area. 12 SCN event October 2015

Mental Health - What to expect in the future National Mental Health, Dementia and Neurology Intelligence Network CYP Wellbeing Indicators guide – “Measuring mental wellbeing in children and young people” Continued data refreshes Changes to data sets New data: QOF Tool development Updated psychosis data briefing Improved psychosis prevalence estimates Perinatal needs assessment JSNA toolkit New data: CAMHS dataset Short Term Medium to Long Term