CD W2K Desktop Migration Jack Schmidt 12/5/2001
W2K Migration Plan 1. Migrate users/desktops to provide kerberos authentication. Resources still in NT4 domain. 2. Upgrade resources to W2K where possible. 3. Migrate resources into W2K domain 4. Shutdown NT4 domains.
W2K Migration Plan – Step 1 Migrate only CD W2K users + profile + desktops into the W2K domain by Feb 1 st. Accounts and profiles are cloned from FNAL NT. –Provides easy back out, just in case! Migration cautious: –Developing homegrown tools to work with our environment –Testing methods that will work with other NT domains on site. –Verifying our design works as well in real life as on paper
Issues Shared admin/service accounts (used heavily in NT4 domain) Remote Access packages (no kerberos authentication) New users Admin Documentation All being addressed by W2K Migration subgroups
FAQs? Will my system look different when I’m migrated? –No. Just the domain name you log in to changes! Can I migrate myself? –No. Moving a user requires Domain Administration privileges. 95/98/NT allowed in domain? –Initially only W2K systems are allowed –95/98 systems require upgrade exemption –NT4 systems will not be allowed. Home systems? –Personal systems will not be members of the domain but will have access to resources (will require NTLMv2)
Useful Links W2K Migration Web pages: Mail Lists: : (open list/archived) Good for asking general configuration questions about installing and configuring w2k desktops and servers. : (closed list) This goes to the members of the Windows 2000 Migration Working Group. They are the people designing and setting policies regarding the new structure of the windows domain.