Coral Reef Project. Guided Inquiry Collaboration: Library Media Specialist Reading Specialist Science Specialist Guest author 5 th grade students will.


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Presentation transcript:

Coral Reef Project

Guided Inquiry Collaboration: Library Media Specialist Reading Specialist Science Specialist Guest author 5 th grade students will gain background knowledge by reading nonfiction text using books by guest author as an introduction to Coral Reef Project.

Read the books In small groups, students will read books by guest author, Michael Patrick O’Neill

Answer questions These nonfiction books are full of facts about sea creatures and their environment. Books are not indexed. Students will find information by browsing. Students will answer prepared questions, guiding them to information throughout the books.

Book Reviews In small groups, students will write book reviews to be added to Destiny. Hook sentence – grab your audience! Include three interesting facts – from your nonfiction question sheets Conclusion – why will we enjoy the book?

Type review in Destiny

Log in to Destiny Quest Look up your book title Open book record Add review Check your spelling Check punctuation Rate your book with “stars” Save

How can we develop good questions to ask the visiting author? What must we do as a reader to write a good question?

* * Michael Patrick O’Neill

We are o”FISH”ially Experts on Michael Patrick O’Neill’s Books! In pairs, complete nonfiction notes. Share your thinking with the author: Write one of your questions on your fish Add your question to the undersea display in the lobby

Michael Patrick O’Neill Guest Author March, 2013

Coral Reef Project After this introduction, Project collaboration will continue with Library Media Specialist and Science specialist: Students will create project Glossary using online and print dictionaries. Students will research a selected sea creature or plant using a variety of print and electronic sources. Students will understand interaction of animals and plants in coral reef biome. During Project research, students will contact guest author by or Skype with additional questions. Final Project will involve a form of digital presentation.

Common Core State Standards AASL Crosswalk CC.4.R.I.1 Key Ideas and Details: Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text Read, view, and listen for information presented in any format (e.g., textual, visual, media, digital) in order to make inferences and gather meaning.

Common Core State Standards AASL Crosswalk CC.4.W.10 Range of Writing: Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences Use the writing process, media and visual literacy, and technology skills to create products that express new understandings Use writing and speaking skills to communicate new understandings effectively.

Sources consulted Kuhlthau, Carol C. and Leslie K. Maniotes. Building Guided Inquiry Teams for 21st Century Learners. School Library Monthly/Volume XXVI, Number 5/January Web. 2/17/2013.