Meetings Skills Guide mgr Anna Waligórska – Kotfas PWSZ Konin
Definition Meeting: an occasion when people gather to discuss things and make decisions
Vocabulary: Match phrases 1. deadline 2. purpose 3. agenda 4. main points 5. participants 6. objectives 7. chairperson 8. minutes 9. action points 10. brainstorm 11. unanimous 12. vote a. thinking to gather ideas b. goals to accomplish c. complete agreement; united in opinion d. to express an opinion by voice or hand e. notes of what is said at a meeting f. the people who take part in a meeting g. a list of what will happen at a meeting h. the things to do after a meeting i. the person who keeps control of a meeting j. the reason for having a meeting k. the most important things to talk about l. a time by which something must be done
Vocabulary: Match phrases 1. deadline 2. purpose 3. agenda 4. main points 5. participants 6. objectives 7. chairperson 8. minutes 9. action points 10. brainstorm 11. unanimous 12. vote l. a time by which something must be done j. the reason for having a meeting g. a list of what will happen at a meeting k. the most important things to talk about f. the people who take part in a meeting b. goals to accomplish i. the person who keeps control of a meeting e. notes of what is said at a meeting h. the things to do after a meeting a. thinking to gather ideas c. complete agreement; united in opinion d. to express an opinion by voice or hand
Discussion 1. The best number for a meeting is six people or fewer. 2. Never have food or drink during a meeting. 3. Always start and finish a meeting on time. 4. You should sit round a table when you have a meeting. 5. At a formal meeting each person should speak in turn.
Discussion 1. The best number for a meeting is six people or fewer. It depends on the type of meeting. It is good to have at a meeting only those who really need to be there and to limit this number as far as possible. 2. Never have food or drink during a meeting. Coffee and water may be available as well as sandwiches, cookies, biscuits.
Discussion 3. Always start and finish a meeting on time. Different cultures have different ideas about this. In some places starting a 2 o’clock meeting at 2.20 may count as starting ‘on time’. Different cultures have different ideas about this. In some places starting a 2 o’clock meeting at 2.20 may count as starting ‘on time’. What does ‘on time’ mean to you?
Discussion 4. You should sit round a table when you have a meeting. Some companies are well known for having all their meetings standing up, in order to encourage quick decisions. Some companies are well known for having all their meetings standing up, in order to encourage quick decisions. Does the shape of a table matters? Round tables might make for more ‘democratic’ meetings.
Discussion 5. At a formal meeting each person should speak in turn. Organised turn-taking can be very clear in some cultures, with long pauses to show that consideration is being given to what has just been said, but overlapping is the norm elsewhere.
Planning a meeting Here are some rules of things to do before a meeting: 1. Send an agenda several days before. 2. Make sure everyone knows the time and date of the meeting. 3. Say where it will be, and how to get there. 4. Make it clear why you are having the meeting. 5. Make sure everyone knows who will be there. 6. Appoint a chairperson and note taker. 7. If necessary, ask people to prepare to talk about a particular point. 8. Make sure people know what will happen next.
Planning a meeting Read the . Tick the rules that the follows. 1. Send and agenda several days before. 2. Make sure everyone knows the time and date of the meeting. 3. Say where it will be, and how to get there. 4. Make it clear why you are having the meeting. 5. Make sure everyone know who will be there. 6. Appoint a chairperson and note taker. 7. If necessary, ask people to prepare to talk about a particular point. 8. Make sure people know what will happen next.
Meetings: Useful Phrases Look at the useful expressions handout. Next slides Correct the one word that is wrong in each of the expressions presented at the next slides. Then match them with the functions on the right-hand side.
Meetings: Useful Phrases - Chairperson Can we state, please? The main arm of this meeting is to … How do you fill about this? Let’s mobilise on now to … Sorry, I don’t quiet understand. Asking for comments. Beginning the meeting. Changing the subject. Clarifying. Stating the purpose of the meeting.
Meetings: Useful Phrases - Chairperson Can we state, please? Can we start, please? The main arm of this meeting is to … The main aim of this meeting is to … How do you fill about this? How do you feel about this? Let’s mobilise on now to … Let’s move on now to … Sorry, I don’t quiet understand. Sorry, I don’t quite understand. Beginning the meeting. Stating the purpose of the meeting. Asking for comments. Changing the subject. Clarifying.
Meetings: Useful Phrases - Participants I’m in flavour of … Perhaps will should … I totally agreed. I don’t know around that. Held on a moment. Agreeing. Disagreeing. Giving opinions. Interrupting. Making suggestions.
Meetings: Useful Phrases - Participants I’m in flavour of … I’m in favour of … Perhaps will should … Perhaps we should … I totally agreed. I totally agree. I don’t know around that. I don’t know about that. Held on a moment. Hold on a moment. Giving opinions. Making suggestions. Agreeing. Disagreeing. Interrupting.
Vocabulary Revision and Practice Look at the webpage with verbs and nouns and then do the quiz. webpage
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Activity: Worldbeater Freestyle, a sports equipment company, has developed a new tennis racket called Worldbeater. It is light but gives players increased power and control. It will be launched in the US. The Marketing Department holds a meeting to discuss a strategy. Chair or participate in the meeting. Try to persuade your colleagues to agree to the ideas you have.
Activity: Worldbeater Agenda: 1. Selling price. 2. Target consumer. 3. Special offers for first purchase. 4. Advertising / Promotion.
Activity The neighbours in a block of four flats hold a meeting. They discuss repairs and improvements to the building. Flat D: top floor Flat C: 2nd floor Flat B: 1st floor Flat A: ground floor They have already agreed to spend a maximum of € 5,000. Chair or participate in the meeting. Try to persuade your neighbours to agree to the repairs and improvements that you want.
Activity List of improvements and repairs: Clean front of building: € 2,000 Employ gardener to come once a week: € 1,000 Install automatic gate to car park in order to limit access: € 1,000 Paint common staircase to Flats C and D (the other two flats have their own entrances): € 750 Repair roof that is leaking very slightly and affecting Flat D: € 4,000