Relay For Life Team Meeting November 15th, 2010 ISAT 236, 7pm
Game Time!!
Progress as of Today 155 Teams $18, 1,318 participants 153 days left until Relay Still need a team? Need people to join your team? Come up after the meeting.
Commons Days Tuesday 11/16, 2:00-4:00 pm Wednesday 11/17, 11:00-1:00 pm Thursday 11/18, 11:00-1:00 pm Friday 11/19, 11:00-1:00 pm If you are interested in doing any fundraisers please let us know!
Date Auction Fall Kickoff November 30 th Grafton-Stovall Theatre 7:30-9:00 pm Free food, performances and fun! Flyers will be handed out during commons week. Get a flyer and get $1.00 off door entry Contact Kickoff Chairs for more info! Christine Saba & Laura Cromwell
Survivorship Committee Adopt a patient from Rockingham hospital for the holidays Spend $20-30 per team Bring the final package to the December 6th meeting Meet us at the front of the room after the meeting to sign up for a patient if interested Contact Natalie Street or Olivia Fritsche with questions!
Calling All Survivors! Teams get your survivors registered now –Survivor mailings, packages, etc.
Fundraising Committee Relay Publicity during Exam Week in Carrier Library - Fundraising Tips 1. Babysitter Service 2. Game Night Buy In 3. Bake Sale 4. Spaghetti Dinner - Dona Rosa's $110 - Chili's $89 - Need more members for Fundraising Committee
Fundraisers & Announcements Any team fundraisers coming up? Let us advertise for you!
Hope Lodge Donation Drive /hopelodge/MD_Baltimore/bm_our_wish_ list.asp /hopelodge/MD_Baltimore/bm_our_wish_ list.asp Bring donations to next team meeting or Kick-off (or contact Irene Beam to set up a pick- up) Make a donation and get 5 participant points!
Do you like giving presentations? Are you good speaking in front of groups? Join the Recruitment Committee!! Were currently going around to organizations on campus to give presentations to get more Relay Teams!! If interested or have more questions, please or Team Recruitment
Mission Moment Aimee Brasseur
Top Three Individuals Adrienne Blevins- $ Stephanie Passino- $ Meghan O’Reilly- $ P.S.: All of these girls are on the exec team (G.I. Dukes)…we CHALLENGE you to beat us!!
Top Three Teams G.I. Dukes (Exec): $6, Falk Yeah! (Honors Program): $1, Dukes of Hazard: $ Great job to all of the teams!!
Commitment Fee $10 is commitment to raise $100, not just to participate 82 people after free registration paid $0 Team Captains –Encourage your team to actively fundraise –Collect $ from team regularly…Relay is a fundraiser! –Remember you get points for every $100 raised –Don’t forget to set up team fundraisers…points for this, too!
Challenge Challenge: Which team can send out the most s soliciting donations from October 11 th to November 15 th ?
And the winner is… Colleges Against Cancer with 60 s sent! 5 points goes to each member of Colleges Against Cancer!
Most s All Semester! 1.Toni Herrmann – 942 s Team: G.I. Dukes (exec) 2.Katie Cushman – 50 s Team: G.I. Dukes (exec) 3.Bennett Resnik – 45 s Team: JMU Triathalon 4.Stephanie Passino – 40 s Team: G.I. Dukes (exec) 5.Grace McMahan – 37 s Team: Tau Beta Sigma 1
Turkey Challenge How much is YOUR Turkey worth?
Contact Your Chairs We hold weekly office hours to answer all of your questions! –Office is in TDU 112 D (behind the pool tables) –Tuesdays 11am-1pm –Wednesdays 11am-1pm –Thursdays 9am-11am Start your fundraising today at
Next Month’s Meeting Monday, December 6th at 7pm in ISAT 159