Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday:8/27 NO School Thursday: 8/30 Welcome! Introduction Powerpoint HW: Read Chapter Sections 1-1, 1-2: pp Visit this site Do Chapter 1 Vocab. Word box for section 1-1 and 1-2 Cover Book if not done so already Parent signature All due Tuesday 9/5 Tuesday: 8/28 NO School Friday: 8/31 Stamp HW IQ #1 Textbook overview/Lecture: 1-1 HW: Study guide section 1-1 pg. 3-4 Wednesday: 8/29 NO School Effort and Achievement
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 9/4 Labor Day Holiday NO School Thursday: 9/6 Stamp HW IQ#4 p. 15 #1-2 Lecture 1-2/Reader’s Guide HW:study guide 1-3 pp. 8-9 Tuesday: 9/4 Stamp HW Parent signatures collected IQ #2 book p. 7 #1-4 Lecture 1-1/1-2 HW: Study guide 1-2 pp 5-7 Genus assign.Due Tues. 9/11 Friday: 9/7 Stamp HW Vocab. Quiz IQ #5 p. 22 # 1-6 Lecture 1/3 Activity: graphing skills HW: finish activity questions Wednesday: 9/5 Stamp HW IQ #3 Lecture 1-2 HW: vocab. 1-3/1-4 Effort and Achievement
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 9/10 Stamp HW Go over HW Lecture 1-3/1-4 HW: study guide 1-4 p Thursday: 9/13 Go over labs/homework Review for Test Study!!!!/ Prepare HW packet Take sample test online Tuesday: 9/11 stamp HW Measurement lab HW: Finish lab quest. Ch. review p. 31 #1-10 Friday: 9/14 Review TEST Ch. 1 postponed to Monday Wednesday: 9/12 Stamp Microscope lab HW: finish lab questions Ch. Review p # Effort and Achievement
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 9/17 Turn in packet Test Ch. 2 HW: vocab sect. 2-1, 2-2 Thursday: 9/20 stamp HW IQ #1 Sect 2-1 rev. p. 39 #1-5 HW: Reader’s Guide sect. 2-2 Tuesday: 9/18 Stamp hw Go over test Lecture ch. 2 HW: Study guide Sect. 2-1 Friday: 9/21 stamp HW Go over Reader’s Guide Mini lab: Drops on a Penny HW: Study guide Sect. 2-2 pp Wednesday: 9/19 Stamp HW Lecture 2-1 HW: Vocab. Sect. 2-3 and 2-4 Effort and Achievement Test Next Thursday??
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday:9/24 WASC Day IQ #2 p. 43 #1-4 Lecture 2-3 HW: Study guide pp Thursday: 9/27 Stamp HW Go over lab Finish lecture (if didn’t yesterday) Video: Cycles of Life Tuesday: 9/25 Lecture:2-3/ 2-4 HW: Pre-lab/study gde Friday: 9/28 IQ#3: Stand. Rev. p. 59 #1-10 Review/go over packet Wednesday:9/26 Lab: Organic Compounds HW: Ch. Review p. 57 #1-10 Study gde. vocabulary review Effort and Achievement TEST MONDAY
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday:10/1Stamp HW Test Ch Questions HW: Vocab. Ch. 7-1 and 7-2 Thursday:10/4 stamp HW PQRSICT 7-2/Lect. 7-1/7-2 HW: study guide 7-2 p Tuesday:10/2 Stamp HW Go Over Test. Intro Ch. 7-1 HW: Cell Organelle sheet Friday:10/5 Stamp HW IQ #2: p. 181 # 1-5 Lect. Finish 7-2 HW: study guide 7-2 p Wednesday:10/3 Stamp HW IQ #1 p. 173 #1-4/PQRSICT Lect. Sect. 7-1 HW: Study guide 7-1/finish cell sheet Effort and Achievement Test Next Thursday
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday:10/8Stamp HW Lecture 7-2 Cell Chart/7-3 HW: Vocab. 7-3 and PQRSICT for 7-3 Thursday:10/11Stamp HW Lab: Diffusion/Lect. 7-3 HW: Finish Lab Quest. Vocabulary 7-4 and PQRSICT for 7-4 Tuesday:10/9 Stamp HW Lab: Looking at Cells HW: Study guide 7-3 p Friday:10/12 Stamp HW IQ #3: p.199 #1-9 Lecture 7-3/7-4 HW: Study guide p Wednesday:10/10Stamp HW Lecture: 7-3 Demo: Diffusion/lab preview HW: Book p. 189 #1-6 Effort and Achievement TEST TUESDAY
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday:10/15 Stamp HW IQ#2: Ch. Rev. pp.197 #1-10 and 199 #1-9/Review Thursday:10/18 Stamp HW PQRSICT for sect. 8-2 Lecture 8-2 HW: Study guide pp Tuesday:10/16 Stamp HW TEST CH. 7 HW: Vocab. 8-1 and 8-2 PQRSICT 8-1 Friday:10/19 Stamp HW PQRSICT 8-2(PER.1) Lecture 8-2 Wednesday:10/17 Stamp HW IQ#1: Sect. Assess. 8-1#1-4 Go over test/Lecture 8-1 HW: Study guide pp Effort and Achievement ENJOY HOMECOMING
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 10/22Stamp HW Video: Energy in – Energy out HW: PQRSICT and VOCAB for 8-3 Thursday:10/25 Leaf lab/ lecture 8-3 Ch. Review # 1-25 p. 217 Tuesday: 10/23 Stamp HW IQ #2: Sect. Assess. 8-2 #1-5 Lecture 8-2/8-3 HW: Study guide 8-3 Friday:10/26Stamp HW No school Wednesday:10/24 Stamp hw IQ3# sect. Assess. 8-3 #1-5 Chromatography Lab/lecture HW: Lab Questions Study guide review vocab Effort and Achievement TEST: Tuesday?
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday:10/29 Stamp HW Lecture sect. 8-3 photosynthesis HW: Review for test Thursday:11/1 Stamp HW Go over test/Ch. 9-1 PQRSICT and vocab. Tuesday: 10/30 Review for test Put packet together and sign Friday:11/2 Stamp HW Lecture 9-1 HW: Study guide 9-1 Wednesday: 10/31Happy Halloween TEST Ch.8
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday:11/5 Stamp HW Lecture 9-1 and 9-2 HW: 9-2 PQRSICT and vocab. Thursday: 11/8 Stamp HW TEST Ch. 9 Tuesday:11/6 Stamp HW Lecture 9-2 and fermentation HW: 9-2 study guide/vocab review Friday:11/9 Sub Video: Death Zone Wednesday:11/7 Stamp HW Finish lecture Reader’s guide and Review Effort and Achievement
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday:11/12 NO SCHOOL Veteran’s Day Thursday:11/15 Stamp HW IQ #1: Sect. Rev. 10-1p. Lecture 10-2 HW: Study guide 10-2 Tuesday: 11/13 Stamp HW Go over test Lecture 10-1 HW: Study guide 10-1 Friday: 11/16 Stamp HW IQ #2: Sect. rev Lecture 10-2/10-3 HW: 10-3 PQRSICT and vocab Wednesday: 11/14 Stamp HW TEST: Quarter exam HW: PQRSICT 10-2 and vocab Effort and Achievement TEST WEDNESDAY
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday:11/19 Stamp HW Lab: Mitosis HW: 10-3 study guide/review vocab. Thursday:11/22 HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Chow down!! NO SCHOOL Tuesday:11/20 Stamp HW IQ #3: Chapter rev. #1-10 & standards rev Finish lect./ Rev. HW: Review for test. Friday:11/23 NO SCHOOL Wednesday:11/21 Stamp HW TEST Ch. 10 Packet due Effort and Achievement
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday:11/26 Substitute Video: Mitosis/Meiosis PQRSICT 11-4/vocab 11-4 finish as homework Thursday:11/29Stamp HW Lecture 11-4 Poster/11-1 HW Study guide p Tuesday:11/27Stamp HW Go over test IQ #1 #1-3/Lecture Ch HW: Study guide 11-4 p Friday:11/30 Stamp HW Video: Garden of Inheritance HW: Study guide p Wednesday:11/28Stamp HW IQ# Review p. 278 #1-5 Lecture 11-4/HW: PQRSICT 11-1/ vocab 11-1 Effort and Achievement
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 12/3 Stamp HW Quiz Meiosis/Lecture 11-1 IQ #3: 11-1 Rev. #1-5 Lecture 11-1 HW: PQRST 11-2/ vocab 11-2 Thursday:12/6 Stamp HW IQ #5: Section Rev Lecture 11-3 HW: PQRSICT 11-5/vocab. 11-5/ Tuesday: 12/4 Stamp HW Go over Quiz Lecture 11-2 study guide Friday:12/7 Stamp HW Lecture 11-3/lab HW Problem set #2 finish lab Wednesday:12/5 Stamp HW # Rev #1-5 /Lecture 11-3 HW:11-3 PQRSICT&vocab Problem set 1 Effort and Achievement
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday:12/ 10 Stamp HW IQ # 6 Sect Sect. Rev. Lecture 11-5/Go over problem set HW: finish Study guide Thursday:12/13 Stamp HW Go over test Lecture 14-1 Study guide pp Tuesday: 12/11 Stamp HW IQ #7 Chapter rev. p # Standards Rev. P. 285 #1- 12 Packet Friday:12/14 Stamp HW Lecture continue 14-1 HW: study guide p. 159 PQRSICT and vocab Wednesday:12/12 Test Chapter 11 HW: Vocab / PQRSICT Effort and Achievement Saturday: MY birthday!
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 12/17 Stamp HW Lecture 14-1 cont. HW: Ch. Rev. Sections 14-1 p. 348 #1-4 Thursday:12/20 Turn in packet TEST Ch. 14 Tuesday:12/18 Stamp HW Lecture 14-2 HW: Study guide pp Friday:12/21 Christmas Celebration/ Assembly Schedule/ Late start Wednesday:12/19 Stamp HW IQ #1: p. 363 #1-8 Lecture 14-2/Review HW: heredity rev. sheet Effort and Achievement Have a wonderful holiday!! Get some rest!!!
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday:1/7 Reader’s Guide Sect HW: Finish guide/ PQRSICT 12-1 & Vocabulary Thursday:1/10Stamp HW IQ #2: Sect Review PQRSICT & Vocab Tuesday:1/8 Stamp HW IQ #1: Lect. Notes Go over readers guide HW: Study guide pp Friday:1/11 Stamp HW Lab: DNA Extraction HW: PQRSICT & vocab 12-4 DNA Replication W.S. Wednesday:1/9 Stamp HW PQRISCT & Vocab Lect HW: study guide pp Effort and Achievement
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 1/14 Lecture Ch HW: Study guide pp Extra Credit DUE TODAY Thursday: 1/17 Stamp HW IQ#3: Sect. Rev IQ #4: Ch. Rev. p. 315#1-9 and 317 #1-12 Finish Lecture/ Review HW: Study Tuesday: 1/15 Stamp HW Lecture 12-3 Activity: CHNOPS activity Friday: 1/18Stamp HW TEST Ch. 12 today Final Cheat Sheet given out. Wednesday: 1/16 Stamp HW Lecture 12-3/12-4 HW: Study guide pp Effort and Achievement Finals begin Tuesday!! Chapters 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 1/21 MLK HOLIDAY Thursday: 1/24 8:02-10:02 Period 4 10:02-10:17 Break 10:22-12:22 Period 5 Tuesday: 1/22 8:02-10:02 Period 0 10:02-10:21Break 10:26-12:26 Period 1 12:26-1:01 Lunch 1:06-3:06 Period 6 Friday: 1/25 NO SCHOOL Wednesday: 1/23 8:02-10:02 Period 2 10:02-10:17 Break 10:22-12:22 Period 3 Effort and Achievement
Weekly Assignment Sheet (2 nd Sem.) Monday: 1/28 Introduction WAS/Hall passes/Intro Ch. 13 HW: Vocab. Ch. 13-2/13-4 Thursday: 1/31 Stamp HW Quiz Ch. 13 HW:CH.15-1 vocabulary/PQRSICT Tuesday: 1/29 Stamp HW IQ#1 p. 326 #1-4 Lecture Ch. 13 Quiz Ch. 13 tomorrow HW: Study Ch. 13 Friday: 2/1 Stamp HW Lecture Ch HW: study guide 15-1 pp Wednesday: 1/30Stamp HW Finish Lecture Ch. 13 Effort and Achievement
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 2/4 Video: Darwin’s Dangerous Idea HW: PQRSICT 15-2 Thursday: 2/7 Stamp HW IQ # Sect. Rev. p.377 #1-5 Lab: Prey populations finish for HW Tuesday: 2/5Stamp HW Finish video Study guide 15-2 pp Friday: 2/8Stamp HW Lecture: 15-3 Video mass extinctions HW: complete 15-3 outline Wednesday: 2/6 Stamp HW IQ#1: Sect. Rev Lecture Ch HW: 15-3 vocab and PQRSICT Effort and Achievement NO School Monday
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 2/12 No School Thursday: 2/15 stamp HW Review for test Tuesday: 2/13 Substitute Finish study guide for tomorrow HW: Ch. Rev. #1-25 Friday: 2/16 Test Ch. 15 HW Vocabulary Ch. 16 all Wednesday: 2/14 Stamp HW IQ # sect. review Finish lecture Ch. 15 HW: Standards Review Effort and Achievement NO School Monday
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 2/19 No School Thursday: 2/22 Stamp HW IQ # Sect. Rev. #1-5 Lecture 16-2 HW: Outline 16-2 Tuesday: 2/20 Stamp HW Go over test Lecture 16-1 HW: outline 16-1 Friday: 2/23 Stamp HW Lecture 16-2 HW: Study guide 16-2 Activity earlobe frequency Wednesday: 2/21 Stamp HW Video Lecture 16-1 cont. HW: Study guide 16-1 Effort and Achievement Finalize each weeks effort and achievement, collect Monday!
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 2/26 Stamp HW WASC Short Day/ collect WAS IQ # sect. Rev. Lecture 16-3 cont. HW: Outline 16-3 Thursday: 3/1 Stamp HW Lecture Ch. 17 HW: Study guide 17-3 and 17-4 Tuesday: 2/27 Stamp HW IQ #3 6-3 Sect. Rev. Lecture 16 finish HW: Study guide 16-3 Friday: 3/2 Stamp HW IQ #4 Rev. Ch.16 p. 413 and 17 p. 443 #1-10 both. HW: Study guide Vocab. Review Standards review Ch. 16 p. 415 #1- 10 and Ch. 17 p. 445 # 1-8 Wednesday: 2/28 Stamp HW Lecture 17 HW: Study guide 17-1 and 17-2 Effort and Achievement Test Ch. 16&17 TUESDAY!!!!
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 3/5 Stamp HW WASC short day Review for Test Thursday: 3/8 Stamp HW IQ #1: Sect. Rev. 3-1 Lecture 3-1 HW: Study guide 3-1 Tuesday: 3/6 Collect packet Test Ch. 16 & 17 HW: Vocab. Ch. 3 Friday: 3/9 Stamp HW IQ#2 Outline 3-2 Lecture 3-2 HW: study guide 3-2 Wednesday: 3/7 Stamp HW Go over test Lecture Ch. 3-1 HW: Outline Ch. 3-1 Effort and Achievement Record for last week
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 3/12 Stamp HW IQ #3: Sect. Asses. 3-2 Lecture 3-2/Activity food chain HW: Outline 3-3 Thursday: 3/15 Stamp HW Lecture Ch. 4-1 HW: Ch. 4-1 Vocab and 4-1 Study guide Tuesday: 3/13 Stamp HW Video Hw: Study guide 3-3/Vocab Rev. (finish) Friday: 3/16 Stamp HW Lecture 4-2 HW: 4-2 vocab and 4-2 study guide Wednesday: 3/14 Stamp HW IQ #4 Sect. 3-3 Rev. Lecture 3-3 Ch. 3 Rev. pp. 83 all. Effort and Achievement Record for last week
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 3/19 Sub Complete study guide 4-3 and vocabulary review; vocab. for sect. 4-3 HW: Ch. Rev and Standards rev. Thursday: 3/22 Stamp HW Test Ch. 3 and 4 HW: Ch. 5 vocabulary; Outline sect. 5-1 Tuesday: 3/20 Stamp HW Finish lect. 4-3 Hw: study for test Friday: 3/23Stamp HW Lecture 5-1 HW: 5-1 study guide Wednesday: 3/21 Stamp HW Review for test Effort and Achievement Record for last week
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 3/26 Stamp HW IQ sect. 5-1 # 1-4 Lecture 5-1 finish/5-2 begin HW: Outline 5-2 Thursday: 3/29Stamp HW IQ#4: Stand rev. p. 137 #1-12 Finish Lecture/Review HW: study guide finish Open House Tuesday: 3/27 Stamp HW IQ#2: Sect rev. 5-2 Lecture 5-2/ 5-3 HW: Study guide 5-2 Friday: 3/30 TEST Ch. 5 HW: Ch. 35 vocab and 35-2/ outline 35-1 Wednesday: 3/28 Stamp HW IQ#3: Sect. Rev. 5-3 Lecture 5-3 HW: Outline 5-3 Effort and Achievement Record for last week
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 4/2 Stamp HW Reading guide Ch. 35 Outline Ch Thursday: 4/5 Stamp HW Review Ch. 35 Quest Ch. 35 Tuesday: 4/3 Stamp HW Lecture Ch. 35 HW: Study guide 35-1 and 35-2 Friday: 4/6 Inservice Day No School for Students Wednesday: 4/4 Stamp HW Lecture Ch. 35 HW: Study guide 35-3/Study Effort and Achievement Record for last week HAPPY EASTER!!
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 4/16 Video: Immunity: The Flu Go over test/ Lecture 40-1 HW: Vocab. Ch and 40-3 Outline 40-2 Thursday: 4/19 Stamp HW IQ #2: Sect. rev #2 & 4 Lecture 40-3: HIV/AIDS Review Tuesday: 4/17 Stamp HW Lecture 40-2 cont. HW: Study guide 40-2 Friday: 4/20 TEST Ch. 40 Sample Standards Test. Wednesday: 4/18 Stamp HW IQ #1 Sect. Rev Lecture 40-2 HW: none Effort and Achievement Record for last week Standards Tests Next Week!
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 4/23 Go over Standards/ Test Thursday: 4/26 Vocabulary for Ch. 37 Tuesday: 4/24 Go over Standards/ Test Friday: 4/27 Reader’s guide/ Crossword Ch. 37 Wednesday: 4/25 Go over Standards/ Test Effort and Achievement Record for last week
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 4/30 Video: Osmosis Jones Thursday: 5/3 Stamp HW IQ #2 Circulation through heart Lecture 37-1 HW: Study guide p. 439 Tuesday: 5/1 Video: Osmosis Jones Outline Sect Friday: 5/4Stamp HW Heart/circulation Quiz HW Outline 37-2 Wednesday: 5/2 Stamp HW IQ #1 Sect review #1-5 Lecture 37-1 HW: Study guide 37-1 p Effort and Achievement Record for last week
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 5/7 Stamp HW Lab: Pulse rate Lecture 37-1/37-2 HW: study guide p Thursday: 5/10 Stamp HW IQ #4 Ch. Review #1- Video: Cycle of life Review Tuesday: 5/8 Stamp HW Lecture 37-2/Video: Heart attack HW: Study guide p Friday: 5/11Stamp HW Test Ch. 37 part 1 Lecture 37-3 Wednesday: 5/9 Stamp HW IQ #3: Sect. Asses Lab: Blood Cells Finish lecture 37-2 Effort and Achievement Record for last week
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 5/14 Stamp HW TEST Ch. 37 part 1 HW: Ch. 19 vocab. Thursday: 5/17 Stamp HW Finish 37-3/ Review Tuesday: 5/15 Stamp HW IQ #1: Outline 37-3 Lecture 37-3/Go over test HW: 37-3 Study guide Friday: 5/18 Stamp HW Test Ch. 37 part 2 Wednesday: 5/16 Stamp HW Lecture 37-3 Video: Cycles of Life HW: Study guide: Review/organizer Effort and Achievement Record for last week
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 5/21 WASC Day Go over test/begin micro unit 19-1 Reader’s Guide/ finish as HW Thursday: 5/24 TROY TECH FAIR (per. 3) Tuesday: 5/22 Stamp HW Lecture 19-1 HW: Study guide Friday: 5/25 SUB Video Wednesday: 5/23 Stamp HW Effort and Achievement Record for last week
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 5/28 NO SCHOOL: MEMORIAL DAY Thursday: 5/31 Stamp HW Lecture 40-1 Introduce group projects Tuesday: 5/29 Stamp HW IQ# Lecture 19-2/19-3 HW: Study guide 19-2/19-3 Friday: 5/1 Stamp HW Finish lecture Mini Quiz Research over weekend Wednesday: 5/30 Stamp HW IQ#3: Outline 40-1 Lecture: 19-3/40-1 Study guide: 19 review pages Effort and Achievement Record for last week
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 6/4 Begin Disease Detectives unit Work on project Thursday: 6/7 presentations Tuesday: 6/5 Work on project Friday: 6/8 presentations Wednesday: 6/6 Work on project Effort and Achievement Record for last week
Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday: 6/11 Presentations/REVIEW Thursday: 6/14 FINALS 5, 6 Tuesday: 6/12 FINALS 0, 1, 2 Friday: 6/15 NO SCHOOL HAPPY SUMMER!! Wednesday: 6/13 FINALS 3, 4 Effort and Achievement Record for last week