Combining Sound Waves EQ: What happens when two or more sound waves interact?
Vocabulary Timbre – the quality of sound you hear –Blending of the fundamental tones and the overtones making up the characteristic sound quality of a particular sound –Trumpet versus violin playing the same notes give the sounds different timbres EQ: What happens when two or more sound waves interact?
Vocabulary Music – a set of tones combined in a way that is pleasing to the ear. Three major groups of instruments: strings, brass and woodwinds, percussion EQ: What happens when two or more sound waves interact?
Vocabulary Noise – a mixture of sound waves that do not sound pleasing together. There is no pleasing timbre and no identifiable pitch Dissonance – songs that have tones with no musical relationship EQ: What happens when two or more sound waves interact?
Vocabulary Interference – when two or more sound waves interact. The amplitudes combine, causing the loudness of the sound to change –Constructive interference – louder sound –Destructive interference – softer sound EQ: What happens when two or more sound waves interact?
Vocabulary Acoustics – how well sounds can be heard in a particular room EQ: What happens when two or more sound waves interact?
Class Work and Homework Fill In –What did I learn –Confused –Say Read pages O 52 – O 59, Answer questions 1-6, page O 59 Worksheet 2-3 from packet EQ: What happens when two or more sound waves interact?