C-ID Update+ Michelle Pilati C-ID Faculty Coordinator
Overview Addressing SB 440 Mandates New directions for C-ID Model Curriculum Update C-ID Status Update
SB 440, Padilla, 2013 Before the commencement of the 2015–16 academic year, there shall be the development of at least two TMC in areas of emphasis (AoEs) and, before the commencement of the 2016–17 academic year, there shall be the development of at least two additional TMC in AoEs..
AoE TMCs - DRAFTS Social Justice Studies Global Studies/International Relations Each has a core of 2-3 courses – broad introductory courses Additional courses selected from various lists
New Directions CCC-only descriptors CTE EMS Biotechnology Basic Skills
Model Curriculum Engineering Certificate and Degree Information Technology Nursing
Why Model Curriculum? Could provide transfer benefits to students when universities have agreed to recognize an MC and offer students locally-defined benefits. May facilitate meeting employer needs for specified training. Can establishing appropriate program consistency in awards across the colleges. Could facilitate student goal completion by simplifying student movement between colleges and honoring completed coursework through reciprocity.
Reciprocity in MCs Course reciprocity as established for TMCs. Consistency in MC-aligned degrees across colleges – MCs for degrees must identify the GE options permissible – Local Transfer Transfer for STEM No local graduation requirements.
Next steps… “Shop” Intersegmental Model Curriculum to universities Develop process for recognizing and signaling MC- alignment. AA-MC AS-MC CoA-MC Establish means of ensuring colleges follow “rules”. How do we enforce policies that have not been legislated?
C-ID Update
19 disciplines with less than 20 courses in the queue
5 disciplines with less than courses in the queue Information Technology – just getting started. Some descriptors finalized very recently. Biology and History – Amazing progress.
10 9 disciplines with over 66 courses in the queue Engineering – not even started. FTVE, Anthro, Art History, Spanish – lack of CSU reviewers – or lack of active reviewers Music – recovering from backlog
10 9 disciplines with over 66 courses in the queue Math – too many courses! Studio Arts – no reviewers for some courses. Proposing to remove some descriptors.
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