Linking Locations since 2011 dc:creatorTodd Pehle foaf:mboxtpehle at foaf:memberOrbis Technologies dc:dateDecember 03, 2010 dbpedia:EventSOCoP Fall Workshop geonames:locatedInUSGS, Reston, VA
The Web of Linked Locations is Coming The Web of Linked Data and the Geo Web are merging Geographic datasets are being published as RDF GeoSPARQL soon will offer a way to query geometry and spatial relationships in Linked Data What then is a next step?
Link Locations
Dataset Topology in LOD LOD datasets will offer peer-to-peer relationships LOD datasets can also offer centralized star topology Centralized connections offer less data, but a wider range of dataset connections ( “routers” for LOD) A next step: centralized co-ref links; enter Domain ADomain B “Peer-to-peer” dataset links “Star” Connections of datasets
SamePlaceAs Server Simple atomic Linked Data service that takes a URI as input and outputs co-reference URIs for geographic features Similar to but also allows spatial BBOX queries May have more appropriate name “sameFeatureAs” Service acts as a “graph hopper” offering alternate URIs for geo feature enabling users to “hop” from graph to graph Cloud-based app built on Google App Engine (no triple store) Service can return CSV, text, JSON, N3, NT, TTL formats Supports Named Graphs for source, lineage, provenance information
How to co-ref? Beware of owl:sameAs! Issues with owl:sameAs are well documented No uniform consensus on resolution of this issue yet; Stay tuned. Perhaps some perspective on confusion over equivalence… Quantum Mechanics: “If you are not confused by quantum physics then you haven’t really understood it.” – Neils Bohr “I think I can safely say that no one understands quantum mechanics.” – Richard Feynman Quantum Semantics analogs: “If you are not confused by owl:sameAs then you haven’t fully understood it.” “I think I can safely say that no one understands owl:sameAs.”
SamePlaceAs GUI – Search by URI
SamePlaceAs GUI – Search by BBOX
SamePlaceAs API 1. URI Search: In = URI; Output all co-reference URIs 2. BBOX Search: In = GeoRSS Box; Output all co-ref URIs in box 3. Deref URI: In = entity or graph URI; Dereferences URI returning RDF 4. Add: In = NT/N3/TTL/CSV; Adds entity + named graph info to KB 5. RemoveURIs: In = URI+Graph URI; Removes URIs from graph 6. RemoveGraph: In = GraphURI; Delete all data from graph 7. UpdateGraph: In = GraphURI+data;Remove graph, then adds 8. MergeSubGraphs: In = URI1,URI2; Conflates into single entity 9. Proof: In = URI1, URI2; Derives how to URIs are connected
Next Steps Get service online Scale Testing Load Data Add RDF dump Load More Data Add Community Curation Build the SamePlaceAs Community Load More Data Questions & Comments are much appreciated! orbistechnologies dot com