6Px 12 Mahuru 2011 What we will do What we will learn Preliminaries and roll The importance of starting well Review the waves booklet How we gained and lost our marks in the waves booklet Review the mechanics booklet How we gained and lost our marks in the mechanics booklet If available, review the rest of the exam How we did in our graphing booklet Review the state of our knowledge before the graphing practice (i.e. electromagnetism) Where we got up to in the coverage of the exam material. Review the AS on the web to see what we still need to cover to complete the curriculum (not much) What we still need to learn List the content we need to cover for the rest of this term The list of things we will learn
No. of marks What for 1 Having sketches and FULL working 1 Neat presentation and down-page format 1 Answer underlined and units given 1 Self marked and all correct – eventually 1 In on time and signed for (“This is my own work”…….) Total A mark out of five that will contribute to the “homework” grade in the reports
HW item Skills practiced Assignment 4 Due Wed 8 June 11 Behaviour of waves Assignment 5 Due Wed 29 June 11 Optics Assignment 10 Due Wed 3 August 11 DC circuits. Voltages and Currents in series and parallel, Ohmic and non- Ohmic conductors Assignment 9 Due Thurs 11 August 11 Static Electricity Assignment 12 Due Tues 6 Sept 11 Magnetism