CSE1GDT Exam Revision Paul Taylor 2010
The Exam – What you CAN bring Programmable or non-programmable calculator (You won’t need it) Unmarked, non-electronic English dictionary Ruler, compass, coloured pencils Students permitted to bring a highlighter to highlight exam paper during reading time. No writing is permitted during this time.
The Exam - Format 3 Hours 70% of your mark >= 180 marks = 100% Section A = 30 marks Compulsory Section B = 90 marks Compulsory Section C = 60 marks (4x 15) Section D = 60 marks (2x 30) You must complete 180 marks, max score is 180, so if you have time do a couple extra!
Game Elements The four main game elements: – Mechanics – Story – Aesthetics – Technology
Rewards and Punishment What are the four most common types of behaviour management? What is a good example of each? Have you seen it used in a video game before?
Interest Curves What are the three types of interest? – How do they relate? What should an interest curve look like?
User Testing Why does it matter? Who should test your game? When should you perform user testing?
Promotion How would you promote your game well? What would you do if your product was significantly less polished than the rivals?
What is the proposed Australian Internet Filter? Why is it bad? Why is it good?
Story and Gameplay How do stories integrate with games? What happens to a story as it is moved between different media?
Creating Games What would you do if you were given a really bad game idea and told to make it?
Creative Thinking Is it essential to a game designer? How can you get the most out of your subconscious? Being able to do this will help you in your exam too!
Form and Context Christopher Alexander What do the two terms mean? How do they relate to video game design?
Audiences Who are you building a game for? Why do they want it? How do you sell it?
Transmedia Worlds What identifies the world? – Eg: Core values How do you reinforce the core values of the world? Superman is about to get re-invented by DC Comics What should you preserve? What should you update?
Novelty What is good novelty? What is bad novelty?
Complex Questions Expect to be tested. If you choose these questions, you’ll need to show you’ve done a lot of thinking / creating in your solution. (You won’t get 30 marks for 1 picture and 2 sentences!) In essence, explaining WHY you did something shows knowledge of the decision.
Remember Efficiency If you write paragraphs for all the questions, you’ll do a LOT of writing. The key is to communicate your ideas efficiently, you’ve practiced this over the semester.
The End Barry is a Guinea Pig!!! Good Luck