MRSEC IEG and Broader Impacts Ben Taylor Assistant Director, Interdisciplinary Education Group University of Wisconsin-Madison
UW MRSEC Materials Research Science and Engineering Center on Structured Interfaces IRG1: New Semiconductors from an Unstable World IRG 2: Molecular and Electronic Dynamics at Organic- Inorganic Interfaces IRG 3: Functional Liquid Crystalline Assemblies, Materials and Interfaces ICG: Interdisciplinary Computation Group IEG: Innovating through materials
Mission, Philosophy & Focus To increase the number and diversity of individuals knowledgeable about materials science and engineering. Education, outreach, and human resource development require the same level of creativity and dedication as research. Fundamental science and engineering concepts explored through cutting-edge materials science and engineering topics. A high-school friendly procedure for growing ZnO nanowires – RET participant E. Montalvo.
Formal Education Online Lab Manual Kits RET: Our K-12 efforts Teacher workshops Undergraduate research scholars Teacher professional development workshop IEG Kit Undergraduate Research Scholar
Informal Education Public outreach events Materials Science field trips at the WID Presentations at schools Online materials Liquid Crystal demonstration Engineering Expo 2013 WID field trip
Research Experiences for Teachers 6-week program ‒Laboratory experience ‒Professional development ‒Development of classroom materials Target teachers working with underrepresented students Partnership with Univ. of Puerto Rico 2013 RET program participants
Research Experiences for Undergraduates 10-week program ‒Laboratory experience ‒Professional development Target students underrepresented in STEM fields Partnership with Univ. of Puerto Rico
Web-Based Educational Tools Video lab manual for materials science experiments Resources for K-12, college, and outreach educators Materials science and nanotechnology demonstrations
Acknowledgments MRSEC Personnel and Collaborators NSF Materials Research Science and Engineering Center on Nanostructured Interfaces (DMR , DMR and DMR ) NSF Wisconsin-Puerto Rico Partnerships for Research and Education in Materials Program [Wi(PR) 2 EM] (DMR ) NSF RET Site: Cross-Cultural Connections (EEC ) NSF Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network (ESI and ISE ) NSF Internships in Public Science Education (DMR ) National Science Foundation This presentation is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under the following DMR grants: # (IPSE), # and # (MRSEC), and # (PREM); ISE grants # and # (NISE Net); and EEC grant # (RET) Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessary reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. College of Engineering
Thank You Ben Taylor