GPH 338 Computer Animation Survey YingQian Wang (Winny)
Introduce yourself Name Background Like animation for feature film or game or “research”…? Favorite animated film character or game? GPH 338 Computer Animation Survey
GPH 338 Topics –Animation Keyframe Procedural Dynamics/Simulation IK/FK Motion Capture ? –Related A little modeling Lighting/Cameras, texture mapping Post production GPH 338 Computer Animation Survey
Course Administration Syllabus DL site –Course Materials Available here –HW submission GPH 338 Computer Animation Survey
Grading Assignments Midterm Presentation Final Project & Presentation Length ~10-20 seconds GPH 338 Computer Animation Survey
Computer Animation is bring characters to life. Be Creative, Outstanding & Fresh! Make decisions for your character Decide how tall or short they will be. The texture you will use for their skin. What type of clothes they will wear, if they are going to. How realistic or stylized you want to make your characters. A realistic looking character means it should be animated realistically as well) What kind of environment would they be? What kind of things would they be doing? GPH 338 Computer Animation Survey
GPH 338 Computer Animation Survey
GPH 338 Computer Animation Survey Be creative Copyright © Disney/Pixar Stylistic:
Basically two categories of design; Realistic – Mimic reality This has been very successful in the area of special effects for feature films. e.g., Dinosaurs, which look completely real and integrate into live-action. But reality is a hard thing to simulate. To create an effective animation of a realistic character requires a thorough knowledge of anatomy and motion. Stylized – Caricatures of reality E.g. Monster Inc. Give you more fun and give you much more freedom in your designs, Computer animation can mimic reality, but animation is always at it’s bestWhen it goes far beyond reality. GPH 338 Computer Animation Survey
Pipeline of make an animation short
GPH 338 Computer Animation Survey
Sketch and Design is important GPH 338 Computer Animation Survey