DDT Ban: A Mistake or a Wise Decision Johanna Peperzak
Science- Chemistry and Biology 11 th – 12 th grade
Essential Questions Should DDT be banned worldwide?
Unit Questions Why was DDT banned in the United States? Why is their controversy over banning DDT worldwide? What is the chemical nature of DDT? How does DDT impact the environment? Mammals?
Unit Questions Cont’d What is malaria? Where is malaria prevalent and how do people catch it? How to control the spread of malaria? What is the connection between DDT and malaria?
Colorado State Standards Standard 1: identifying major sources of error or uncertainty within an investigation (for example, particular measuring devices and experimental procedures) communicating and evaluating scientific thinking that leads to particular conclusions recognizing and analyzing alternative explanations and models
Colorado State Standards Cont’d Standard 2.1 examining, describing, measuring, classifying, and predicting common properties of substances (for example, chemical reactivity, relationships in the periodic table) describing and explaining properties and composition of samples of matter using models (for example, atomic and molecular structure, the periodic table)
Colorado State Standards Cont’d Standard 2.3 identifying, describing, and explaining physical and chemical changes involving the conservation of matter and energy (for example, chemical reactions) Standard 5 analyzing benefits, limitations, costs, and consequences involved in using technology or resources (for example, agricultural chemicals)
Colorado State Standards Cont’d Standard 6 evaluating print and visual media for scientific evidence, bias, or opinion explaining that the scientific way of knowing uses a critique and consensus process (for example, peer review, openness to criticism, logical arguments, skepticism)
Learning Objectives SWBAT: Discuss the controversy over DDT SWBAT: Assess validity of scientific evidence. SWBAT: Justify or argue against the DDT ban in the United States. SWBAT: Examine the chemical nature of DDT and the consequences of its use.
Learning Objectives Cont’d SWBAT: Analyze the benefits and limitations of using DDT. SWBAT: Examine malaria and identify how malaria is spread and where it is prevalent. SWBAT: Choose and defend the best strategy to control the spread of malaria. SWBAT: Evaluate the connection between DDT and malaria.
Student Samples Slide show defending whether or not DDT should be banned worldwide including: –the chemistry of DDT –impact of DDT on the environment –critique of scientific evidence –demonstrate the DDT-malaria link.
Student Samples Cont’d A Web page with general information about malaria that includes: –discuss what malaria is –estimate where it is prevalent –discuss how people catch it –defend the best strategy for malaria control
Sources Cited Microsoft Office Clip Art State of Colorado for Standards ChemFinder – ERM Mosquito control – beach.fl.us/erm/divisions/mosquito/index.htm
Sources Cited Cont’d VirtualZoo –