The Phantom of the Opera Chapter 9 and 10 姓名 : 薛宇筑 班級 : 二年五班 座號 :37
Vocabulary Chapter 9 and 10
Vocabulary Chapter 9 phantom 幽靈 ; 鬼魂 n. I found myself staring at her as if she were a phantom. whisper 低語, 耳語 ; 私語 v. She is to whisper him. torture 折磨, 痛苦 n. She suffered torture from a toothache.
Vocabulary Chapter 10 visit 訪問;拜訪 v. Eric went to Seattle to visit his cousins. born 出生;出世 v. Forty lambs were born this spring. clever 聰明的;聰穎的 adj. Lucy is quite clever and does well at school.
Vocabulary Chapter 10 passage 通道;走廊 n. We walked down a narrow passage to the back of the building.
Summary Chapter 9
Summary Chapter 9 Raoul met Persian in the passage outside Christine’s dressing room. Persian put his hands on the big mirror, first here, and there. Then the mirror began to movie and tern, and a big hole opened in it. Raoul met Persian went into the wrong room—the room of mirrors.
Summary Chapter 9 The pictures in the mirrors moved and danced in front of their eyes. Through a mirror in the wall, Christine said she is Erik’s wife from that minute and kissed him. Erik let Christine, Raoul and Persian go.
Summary Chapter 10
Summary Chapter 10 Nobody knew where Christine, Raoul and the Phantom of the Opera are. Persian talked to Madam Giry about Erik. He said Erik was dead. Erik was a famous builder in Persia, and Persian worked with him. Erik could be in two or three places at the same time, and so did his voice.
Summary Chapter 10 He could do many things with ropes, mirrors and secret doors. And he built secret passages and the house on the lake because he couldn’t live in the outside world with his face. Nobody in Paris ever saw Raoul and Christine again.
My Response
The Phantom of the Opera is poor. If I am Christine, I will make the same choice as her. Raoul is very brave, and Christine is very kind. Though the Phantom of the Opera did many terrible, he corrected his errors and made a fresh start.
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