6.1 - Solid Shapes & 6.2 - Spatial Relationships
We’re going to talk about 6.1. Please open a geometry book 373
The basics A Polyhedron is a closed figure, made up of polygons. Parts of a polyhedron: Faces – these are the polygons Edges – where the polygons intersect & form a line Vertices – “corners” – the point where more than two polygons intersect. Polygon – 2 space Polyhedron = 3 space Polyhedra or Polyhdedrons = plural
edge = Vertex face
Regular Polyhedra (remember ‘regular’ means all sides have the same length and all angles have the same measure) A regular Polyhedra is composed of congruent regular polygons as faces AND has the same number of faces meeting at each vertex. Can you think of a regular polyhedron?
DRAWING PRACTICE!! Let’s learn how to draw a cube. TADA!! Draw a square. Draw a congruent square, up and to the right. Connect the vertices Notice 4 pair of parallel lines TADA!!
Platonic Solids There are 5 convex, regular polyhedra and they are named by the number of faces they have. NAME FACES MADE OF LOOKS LIKE Tetrahedron 4 Triangles Hexahedron 6 Squares Octahedron 8 Dodecahedron 12 pentagons Icosahedron 20
NETS A net is a 2D pattern that, when put together, forms a 3D polyhedron.
Assignment Surface area worksheets (pg numbers at the bottom are 118-122)