+ Observation Drawing
+ Today’s motto: Drawing is a SKILL that you can LEARN. It takes a lot of PRACTICE!
+ Today... We will be drawing a number of objects from observation: drawing whilst looking at them We will be trying out a few different techniques We will build up from short drawings to long drawings These drawings are to be kept in your folio – do not throw out, scribble on or erase
+ First drawing: 3 minutes A3 paper, grey lead pencil Try to take up half of the page Draw a Horse
+ Ok, so that was a bit of a trick How did you find that task? Why was it difficult? Write one sentence next to your horse and suggest why it may not look 100% accurate or how you found the task
+ Drawing is easiest when you have something to look at Observation = close study
+ Four drawings, one object Divide your A3 page into four equal rectangles (don’t rule it!) Number them 1 – 4 We will be drawing in each square
+ 1 First drawing: no looking at object! You have 30 seconds to look at the object, then only 2 minutes to draw it on your first square. No looking back at the object!
+ 2 Second drawing: continuous line Draw an object without looking at your page 3 minutes only One continuous line! No looking at what you are drawing – only at the object!
+ 3. Third drawing: same object, with looking! 3 minutes – Line only Try to place the object in a place that you can see it and most of your page Try to keep looking back and forward, not just one glance
+ 3. Fourth drawing: same object, with looking! 3 minutes – Add tone and details Try to place the object in a place that you can see it and most of your page Try to keep looking back and forward, not just one glance
+ What one was easiest? Date and write the times next to your drawings
+ Next series... New page! On your page you will take 11 TOP TIPS to create excellent observation drawings Afterwards, we will put these into practice with a series of short drawings
+ 1: LOOK AT WHAT YOU’RE DRAWING Failing to look at what you’re drawing is the biggest error you can make! Many students attempt to draw things the way they think they should look, rather than the way they actually do look. Note: Even if you create mythical creatures for character design, you should work as much as possible from observation.
+ Building up time... 2 x 5min drawings 2 x 10min drawings 1 x min drawing Longer drawings if we have time!