Agenda: Social Cognitive Theory Quiz Review Assignment Scores Sean – Overview, Knowledge, Self-Efficacy Erica – Self-Efficacy (NCI Schwarzer & Laszczynska) Gerald – PBC (NCI Thompson & Schlehofer) McKenna – Goal formation, sociostructural influences, triadic reciprocal causation Kate – SCT Implementation Plan
Knowledge According to Bandura, knowledge is a precondition for behavior change, a “gateway” for it “Knowledge is a necessary, but not sufficient, basis for behavior change” Content knowledge involves understanding the advantages and drawbacks of a health behavior – C.f., Consequences, costs and benefits Procedural knowledge involves understanding how to engage in a given health behavior - skills – C.f., A precursor to self-efficacy – Knowing how to do something & doing it are different
Self-Efficacy Perceived self-efficacy is a person’s perception of his or her ability to perform a specific behavior – Self efficacy is task-specific, someone’s self-efficacy may be strong for one task but weak for another Low self-efficacy generates fleeting or no efforts to perform a behavior. On the other hand, resilient self-efficacy leads to perseverance even when conditions are not ideal Behavioral capacity is the actual ability or skill a person has to perform a given behavior, it can include whether the environment provides opportunity for the behavior – Interventions should increase both behavioral capacity & self-efficacy – Textbook implies that behavioral capacity comes after self-efficacy in the causal chain – others equate behavioral capacity with skills, which come before self-efficacy
Motivation Level of motivation a person has towards adopting a health-protective behavior – Motivation = outcome expectancies + self-efficacy – C.f., Intentions It involves answering two questions: – 1. Will adopting the health-protective behavior reliably lead to a valued outcome? – 2. Can I realistically perform the necessary behavior? Bandura does not consider social normative beliefs even though social learning is occurring!
Socio-structural Factors Goal attainment – through motivated behavior (positive outcome expectancies + perceived self-efficacy) is a function of the supporting and impeding factors in the environment – The world we live in enables and limits our ability to effectively engage in goal-directed behavior – C.f., perceived behavioral control in TPB
Questions about Bandura’s SCT Bandura fails to mention that outcomes people expect (expectations) are derived from _______? He sees expectancies as outcomes of self-efficacy –Are they outcomes, predictors, neither or both? “Perceived severity and susceptibility in the HBM are _______? “Attitudes” in TRA/TPB are expectations –True or false? Why? SE and outcome expectations are the focus in SCT –What factor is missing? Goals as intentions –Are goals predictors, outcomes, neither or both?
Bandura, 2004: Primacy of SE You can see why Bandura and Fishbein could never quite agree! Intentions Attitudes Social Influences SNB ??
White et al (2012) model
Anderson et al (2010) Model Main mediation pathways Self-regulation, as measured, was the behavioral outcome.
11 GOALS/MOTIVATION SOCIAL S ITUATION BIOLOGY/ P ERSONALITY SCT aligned with the TTI ATTITUDES TOWARD THE BEHAVIOR SOCIAL NORMATIVE BELIEFS Trial Behavior EXPERIENCES: Expectancies -- Social Reinforcements -- Psychological/Physiological SELF-EFFICACY BEHAVIORAL CONTROL Nurture/CulturalBiological/Nature Intrapersonal StreamSocial/Normative StreamCultural/Attitudinal Stream Distal Influences Proximal Predictors Levels of Causation Ultimate Causes Social/ Personal Nexus Expectancies & Evaluations Affect and Cognitions Decisions Experiences a b c d e f g h i j k m n o p q r s t u v w x Related Behaviors J K C F I B E H A D G CULTURAL E NVIRONMENT Why not Norms?? Socio-structural factors = behavioral control, and are influenced by self-efficacy - really? Expectancies Role Models
Total Reciprocal Determinism - 3 self-regulatory feedback loops
13 DECISIONS/INTENTIONS SOCIAL S ITUATION BIOLOGY/ P ERSONALITY TRIADIC CAUSATION AND THE TTI ATTITUDES TOWARD THE BEHAVIOR SOCIAL NORMATIVE BELIEFS Trial Behavior EXPERIENCES: Expectancies -- Social Reinforcements -- Psychological/Physiological SELF-EFFICACY BEHAVIORAL CONTROL Nurture/CulturalBiological/Nature Intrapersonal StreamSocial/Normative StreamCultural/Attitudinal Stream Distal Influences Proximal Predictors Levels of Causation Ultimate Causes Social/ Personal Nexus Expectancies & Evaluations Affect and Cognitions Decisions Experiences a b c d e f g h i j k m n o p q r s t u v w x Related Behaviors J K C F I B E H A D G CULTURAL E NVIRONMENT
What’s wrong with this?
Skills and environmental constraints should precede self-efficacy. What’s the difference between “Attitudes toward targets” In column 1 and “Attitude” in column 3?
16 GOALS/MOTIVATION SOCIAL S ITUATION BIOLOGY/ P ERSONALITY SCT aligned with the TTI ATTITUDES TOWARD THE BEHAVIOR SOCIAL NORMATIVE BELIEFS Trial Behavior EXPERIENCES: Expectancies -- Social Reinforcements -- Psychological/Physiological SELF-EFFICACY BEHAVIORAL CONTROL Nurture/CulturalBiological/Nature Intrapersonal StreamSocial/Normative StreamCultural/Attitudinal Stream Distal Influences Proximal Predictors Levels of Causation Ultimate Causes Social/ Personal Nexus Expectancies & Evaluations Affect and Cognitions Decisions Experiences a b c d e f g h i j k m n o p q r s t u v w x Related Behaviors J K C F I B E H A D G CULTURAL E NVIRONMENT Why not Norms?? Socio-structural factors = behavioral control, and are influenced by self-efficacy - really? Expectancies Role Models