The Olympian Deities By Valeria Prisca
Deity- A supernatural or supreme being that is worshipped, they control a part of the world and some part of life Olympian- Classical gods of Ancient Greece, that lived on Mount Olympus Attribute- A characteristic or quality of a person, thing, or group Sphere of Influence- An area where a nation has dominant power over another or others Provenance- Where someone or something came from, originated
Zues Zues was a greek god who was considered the ruler of all of the Olympian gods. His Roman name was Jupiter, Jove. He was the son of Rhea and Cronus and his birthplace was in the Diktaion cave. He was brothers with Poseidon and Hades, married to Hera, brother to Hestia and Hera. He was married to Hera but know for his many affairs, he had children with Leto, Dione, Maia, and Hera. His children were Ares, Apollo, Aretmis, Aphrodite, Hermes, and Hephaestus. His sphere of influence was that he was the ruler of all gods and the world. Zeus’s attributes are the lighting bolt, the eagle, and the oak tree. The lighting bolt was Zeus’s all time powerful weapon and trademark. The eagle represents Zeus’s leadership and the oak tree represents his durability and strength.
Zeus I chose this image because it really shows the strength of Zeus. This picture spoke to me because you can just see the power and strength in the look of Zeus’s eyes. This picture portrays Zeus’s qualities of strength, power, and determination. Zeus wa the most powerful god, and just by looking at this picture you can tell. Zeus was a very strong serious god.
Zeus I chose this picture of Zeus because it shows Zeus in action. This picture spoke to me because it shows him working with the birds. The picture portrays the qualities of speed and coordination. He not only ruled the world, but he interacted with those who lived within it. Zeus had a lot to take on, but he definitely managed it.
Hades Hades was an Olympian God, and also The king of the underworld, and the god of death, whish are his spheres of influence. His Greek and Roman name is Hades, which means “the unseen one”. He was also born in the Diktaion cave along with his brothers Poseidon and Zeus. Hades parents were Cronus and Rhea. His attributes were helmets, metals, jewels, and the bird tipped sceptre.
Hades I chose this picture of Hades because it really shows all parts of him, the death, helmets, jewels, and evil. This picture portrays strength, and evil. I spoke to me because you can see the intensity and evil inside of him. Just by looking at this picture, you can tell Hades was strong and mean. Especially him standing on a pile of skulls, portrays the god of death part.
Hades I chose this picture because it shows the god part in Hades. This image portrays the regal and pampered part of him. Also, it shows Hades holding his trademark sceptre. This iomage spoke to me because this shows Hades looking not so evil, and performing dueties more god-like.
Poseidon Poseidon was the Olympian god of the sea. He also controlled things such as rivers, floods, drought, earthquakes, and horses. He too was born in the Diktaion Cave, son to Cronus and Rhea. He was brother to Hades and Zeus also. Hi shpere of influence was that he was the god of the sea. His attributes were his famous trident, his horses and bull.
Poseidon I chose this picture of Poseidon because it shows him in his godly actions and he is carrying his trademark trident. This image portrays strength, ruling, and discipline. This image spoke to me because it shows him punishing humans surrounded by the vast roaring sea. He looks so powerful and stern. He must have been angry for some perpose, because this picture is very intense.