SPATA Regional Meeting at Cannings, Exeter Tuesday 3 rd November 2015
Industry updates from SPATA and BSPF SPATA Standards – how much do you know? Refreshment break The domestic pools of the future Open Forum SPATA
o 91 (88) out of 103 (98) factsheets produced o 7 (3) more to be signed off o 2 (5) in draft o 3 new topics to start Member Factsheets
o Do you attend RMs? Yes = 14 ; No = 10 o Do you feel we need RMs? Yes = 22 ; No = 2 o How often for meetings? Once = 3; Twice = 19 and Quarterly = 3 (with one comment about 3 x pa) o Time of day inc. food? Dinner = 16 ; Lunch = 6 and Breakfast = 6 What you said about Regional Meetings (RMs)
o Should it be a different venue from members’ premises? Yes = 15 ; No = 9 o Happy to pay a nominal fee?Yes = 20 ; No = 0 o Items covered at these meetings? Training = 18; Industry updates = 18; Networking = 15; Speakers from external organisations = 18 What you said about Regional Meetings (RMs)
o There are 6 Regions, which ones are appropriate to continue and which ones could be combined? Thames Valley was suggested to be combined with SE, but also potentially by others with the Midlands The Midlands was suggested to be merged with EA The Midlands and North was also a possibility What you said about Regional Meetings (RMs)
o 176 members North: 23 Midlands: 18 South West: 28 East: 27 South East: 35 Thames Valley: 26 Overseas: 19 Members and the Regions
o 20 inspections are planned this year o General inspections also being organised o A massive thank you to Peter Lang, Jim Gordon and Tim Bareham for their work o Feedback to have an inspection certificate Inspections
o Swimming pool equipment standards (EN continue to be developed and updated) o Design and operation standards (EN continue to be revised) European standards for commercial pools
o SPATA is working through EUSA and Europump to lobby the consultants for wishing to include swimming pool pumps energy savings (based on inaccurate data) o Patrick Thorpe recently attended a meeting in Paris. Swimming pool pump efficiencies
SPATA Awards 2016
Thank You Sponsors!
Deadline for entries Friday 6 th November Awards Ceremony and Gala Dinner is to be held on Sunday 31 st January 2016 at Coventry’s Ricoh Arena during SPATEX 2016 SPATA Awards 2016
SPATA National Council o Richard Carrington o Patrick Thorpe o Claire Asher o Ben Studdy o Stephen Booth o Tim Bareham o Jamie Smith o Mike Tuttey o David Bland o Adam Clark o Peter Lang
SPATA Technical Committee o Peter Lang o Richard Carrington o Jim Gordon o Will Dando o Bob Judd o Patrick Thorpe o John Scott o Tim Bareham o Howard Gosling
o The year end accounts show a deficit of £326 o Reserves stand at £32,227 Finances
o Striving to improve standards and guidance o Training o Member services o Representing the industry What next?
o European standards (WG3 And WG4) o SPATA Standards 2016 o Guidance such as HSG 179 o HSG 274 (Management of Spa Pools) Striving to improve standards
o What pipework do you specify underground? o What ladders do you use? o What safety messages do you give your clients? o Do you passivate stainless steel? SPATA Standards
o Dangerous Goods o Water hygiene management o Heat pump industry standards Training
o Discussions with MCS about having an industry- specific qualification available to demonstrate that: -the equipment meets relevant standards and -also that installers are suitably trained to meet the requirements of the GPDO. Heat pump industry standards
Member services - SpataShield
o No scheme in place since 1 st June 2013 o A potential opportunity if Members want to be part of a scheme through EUSA? SpataShield
o Would Members want to be part of a European scheme (through EUSA), where it was optional to be in it, but the paperwork would be mandatory to complete if you chose to be in it? SpataShield
Partnerships - Trading Standards o Primary Authority Partnership could lead to “Assured Advice” that is accepted across England and Wales for interpretations of consumer law o What questions are important for Members to have answered?
Working With Others o Government departments o NWSF Swimming Advisory Group
EUSA Awards success in 2015 at Piscina & Wellness Portrait Pools & Enclosures London Swimming Pool Company Home Counties Pools and Hot Tubs Falcon Pools
EUSA Portrait Pools & Enclosures Bronze Award, Domestic Indoor Pools Category
London Swimming Pool Company Gold Award Domestic Spas Category
EUSA Home Counties Pools and Hot Tubs Gold Award, Domestic Above Ground Pools Category
EUSA Falcon Pools Silver Award, Domestic Hot Tubs Category
Discussion for the BSPF AGM To consider discontinuing the role of BSPF President after Will Dando, in favour of increasing the role of both the SPATA and BISHTA Chairmen The proposal is for the BSPF Board to discuss this idea in more detail to bring forward a recommendation to the next annual conference and AGM
By the industry, for the Industry
o The 20 th anniversary show promises an action packed three days o 20+ supporting partners are backing SPATEX o Two seminar areas retained o Plant Room Challenge on the Tuesday! o ISPE workshops
o The timed ‘Plant Room Challenge’ is being held on the Tuesday of the show, with a pair of installers working as a team to demonstrate their talent and a chance for the lucky winners to receive £200 each! o Contact John Asher between 8am – 9am of from 5.30pm – 9pm during the week o or
o Entertainment & Networking Parties on Sunday and Monday evenings (open to all visitors and exhibitors) o Large investment by Wasps in the hotel, venue catering and the railway station is completed o A football match is being played on Saturday
Insert image
Sallie Golding PR & Marketing Manager PIP’s work is undertaken by;
Pool & Spa Industry Promotions (PIP) o PIP encourages swimming pool and hot tub ownership o National, regional and local consumer promotions o Internal communication to the Members, the wet leisure trade and a wider trade audience o A committee focussed on promoting the industry
Coverage: British Pool & Hot Tub Awards 2015
Summer 2015
January 2015 Local Coverage - EUSA
General Coverage 2015
Social Media
SPATA/BISHTA will manage the project including liaising with the publications and artwork. Share the advertising costs for inclusion in key consumer magazines. To Drive Mass Consumer Awareness for SPATA / BISHTA and It’s members
SPATA AGM To elect one National Member of Council in accordance with rule 23(C). Note: Mr Tim Bareham (Cresta Leisure) was re-elected
SPATA AGM o To elect Regional nominations to the National Council to represent North and Midlands and to fill vacancies for the East and South West regions. The retiring Chairmen are: North – Stephen Booth (Alba / SB Pools) Midlands – Claire Asher (Asher Swimpool Centre) East – John Scott (EPS) has stepped down (the post is vacant) South West – Adam Clark (Golden Coast) was accepted
BSPF Board To ratify the appointment of Officers as follows: a.President – Alex Kemsley of Waterstream Ltd b.Vice President – Will Dando of Plastica Ltd c.Junior VP – Appointment to be left vacant this year d.Immediate PP – Richard Carrington of Calorex Heat Pumps Ltd e.Treasurer – Mr Patrick Thorpe of Astralpool UK Ltd
BSPF AGM Please note these appointments will take effect at SPATEX 2016
Are you ready for Pension Auto Enrolment? What is BIM? European standards The Industry approach to safety devices Training sessions on:
SPATA Standards – how much do you know? Please answer the following questions on the sheets provided about the SPATA Standards!
SPATA Standards-how much do you know? QUESTION 1 What is the significance of the figure 1.7?
SPATA Standards-how much do you know? QUESTION 2 What proportion of the volumetric flow should be surface water take off?
SPATA Standards-how much do you know? QUESTION 3 Define pH and state the generally accepted definition in your answer.
SPATA Standards-how much do you know? QUESTION 4 What is the average surface area calculation for each pool bather?
SPATA Standards-how much do you know? QUESTION 5 What is the maximum daily filling and draining rate for a pool?
SPATA Standards-how much do you know? QUESTION 6 What is the pH of the teardrop and a tri-chlor tablet?
SPATA Standards-how much do you know? QUESTION 7 What is the maximum filtration rate for “high rate filtration?
SPATA Standards-how much do you know? QUESTION 8 What is the maximum safe water speed through the free open area of a suction fitting grille?
SPATA Standards-how much do you know? QUESTION 9 What three things can damage a liner?
SPATA Standards-how much do you know? QUESTION 10 What are the minimum SPATA guarantees?
SPATA Standards-how much do you know? QUESTION 11 What are the maximum permitted water losses?
And now the answers! SPATA Standards-how much do you know?
What is the significance of the figure 1.7? ANSWER 1 1.7 is the universally agreed constant for calculating volumetric flow in a commercial pool. “Bathing load x 1.7 = volumetric Flow”. As an equation, it can be changed to “ volumetric flow/1.7 = bathing load” SPATA Standards page 265 – Systems – Circulation and Water Turnover Period
SPATA Standards-how much do you know? What proportion of the volumetric flow should be surface water take off? ANSWER 2 In a freeboard pool it is 70% for domestic and 80% for commercial. In a deck level pool it is between 50% to 80%. SPATA Standards Page Systems – Surface Water Skimmers
SPATA Standards-how much do you know? Define pH and state the generally accepted definition in your answer. ANSWER 3 The generally accepted answer is “ the concentration of acid or alkali in the water” and the correct answer is “ the logarithm of the reciprocal of the hydrogen ion concentration”. SPATA Standards – Page 45 - Glossary
SPATA Standards-how much do you know? What is the average surface area calculation for each pool bather? ANSWER 4 3m 2 - although there is a slight variation with water depth. SPATA Standards – Page 264 – Bathing Load Formula
SPATA Standards-how much do you know? What is the maximum daily filling and draining rate for a pool? ANSWER 5 750mm per 24 hours (maximum) SPATA Standards – Page 86 - Testing
SPATA Standards-how much do you know? What is the pH of the teardrop and a tri-chlor tablet? ANSWER 6 7.5 and 3 SPATA Standards - Page 361 – Chlorinated Iso-Cyanurates
SPATA Standards-how much do you know? What is the maximum filtration rate for “high rate filtration? ANSWER 7 50 m³/m²/hr SPATA Standards – Page 150 – Flow Rate
SPATA Standards-how much do you know? What is the maximum safe water speed through the free open area of a suction fitting grille? ANSWER 8 0.5 metres per second SPATA Standards – Page 162 – Main Drains (Sumps)
SPATA Standards-how much do you know? What three things can damage a liner? ANSWER 9 Poor pH control, chemicals lying on the material, and high temperature, SPATA Standards – Page 96 – Care and Maintenance of Finishes and Liner Care
SPATA Standards-how much do you know? What are the minimum SPATA guarantees? ANSWER 10 Shell – 6 years Internal Finishes – 2 years Equipment, etc – 1 year (or more if given by manufacturers) SPATA Standards Part 2 page 138 Guarantees
SPATA Standards-how much do you know? What are the maximum permitted water losses? ANSWER 11 Ideally none, with a maximum of 12mm in a 7 day period SPATA Standards Part 1 page 12
SPATA Standards-how much do you know? However, change is around the corner! SPATA & BSI have been working in Europe and this will mean some changes. The good news is that most of this work is based on SPATA Standards
SPATA Standards-how much do you know? Technical Committee 402 WG1 – Pool Construction & Installation. WG1 is now BS EN 16582– 1/2/3 Part 1 - General Requirement including safety and test methods Part 2 -Specific requirements for in-ground pools Part 3- Specific requirements for above ground pools WG2 – Pool Water Filtration, Circulation & Treatment. WG2 is now BS EN /2/3 Part 1 Filtration Systems Part 2 Circulation Systems Part 3 Water Treatment Requirements
Revised Acceptable Water Losses Pools should be built water tight Pools should be water tight to one of the classes listed below: This is to be pointed out in point of sale material SPATA will anticipate ‘W0’ or ‘W1’, but a minimum may be ‘W2’ (for outdoor pools only). Discuss how to inform the end user Tightness Class Maximum leakage mm per day or litres / m 2 W00 W11 W22 W33
Permissible Openings – applicable only over 500mm depth. - Finger & toe 25mm -Head & neck 230mm When ranges 25mm to 110mm are used for construction reasons, installer to alert their customer of a potential risk of entrapment (discuss overflow channels) Velocities for Main Drains – now 0.5m/s. A minimum of 2 balanced drains Main drains can be 1m apart (not 2m). Nearest points of the perimeters. European Standards for Domestic Pools
Refurbishment with 1 grille - increase size of drain to 1m² -fix an anti-entrapment grille with peripheral suction and high dome shall be at least 10% of main dimension -any drain where one user cannot cover 50% of opening Double width top tread for pool ladders is recommended. European Standards for Domestic Pools
Accessibility Secure the means of access or Install a protection device and Keep children under constant supervision Protection devices include: Fencing, Safety Covers, Enclosures, Alarms Note: securing the boundary of the property may be acceptable European Standards for Domestic Pools
Pool shell life span will be 10 years (what guarantees)? Partially or fully sunken Above Ground Pools will be treated as In-ground Building tolerances less onerous. Pumps can be connected with flexible joints “Shall” means “must” and “should” means “recommended”. European Standards for Domestic Pools
All Swimming pools should be provided with: Warning Signs – “Children must be supervised at all times” “No diving” Instruct client to fix signs within 2,000mm of the pool in a prominent visible position European Standards for Domestic Pools
Pool shell life span will be 10 years (what guarantees)? Should this be the basis for increasing the SPATA guarantee from 6 to 10 years? European Standards for Domestic Pools
Suggestion The pool structure must be guaranteed for a minimum period of ten years. The “structure” includes: - The sprayed concrete, or concrete blocks and their infill, or any other method of forming a structurally designed pool shell or basin. The drainage under and around the pool shell, the tanking system, whether a sand and cement plaster with a waterproofing additive, or a proprietary waterproofing product and insulation material if fitted; sealing around pipework and fitting in the structure. European Standards – SPATA’s Response
The guarantee does not cover cracking, attributable to outside causes e.g., tree roots, subsidence due to tree planting or removal, deluge, land slides, drought, collision with an outside agent (such as a motor vehicle or aircraft etc., this list not being exhaustive). European Standards – SPATA’s Response
The pool internal finish must be guaranteed for a minimum period of three years. The “internal finish” includes: - Tiles, mosaic tiles, marblite or any other plastering material suitable for use and immersion in swimming pool water and the pool copings. European Standards – SPATA’s Response
Liner Pools The liner pool structure must be guaranteed for a period of ten years. The structure includes: - The supporting framework whether it is timber, metallic, composite plastic, fibreglass, or any other suitable material; the anchorage of the framework, the drainage around the framework and insulation if fitted; sealing around pipework and fitting in the structure. European Standards – SPATA’s Response
The guarantee does not cover cracking (as outlined above). The liner welding should be guaranteed for a pro-rata minimum period of ten years. The pool copings should be guaranteed for a minimum period of three years. European Standards – SPATA’s Response
One-piece pools As reinforced concrete pools above. Above ground pools As liner pools, if installed by the Member and not as a self-installation. Kit Pools As appropriate, if installed by the Member and not as a self-build. European Standards – SPATA’s Response
Applicable to all pool types Underground pipework, once satisfactorily pressure tested and certified, must be guaranteed for five years. The guarantee covers cracking, as outlined above. All remaining pool equipment should carry the manufacturer’s guarantee. European Standards – SPATA’s Response
The Contractor should undertake to replace or repair, free of charge, any defect arising from faulty design, workmanship or raw materials within the stipulated period. The stipulated period to run from the date of practical completion, or when the pool is first used (whichever is the sooner). European Standards – SPATA’s Response
The Guarantee does not cover the following: - Damage from freezing water caused by incorrect winterisation of pool or equipment Damage to equipment and pool lining caused by incorrect pH The maintenance of incorrect pool chemistry Undissolved chemicals thrown directly into the pool European Standards – SPATA’s Response
Emptying the pool without prior consultation with the Member These guarantees exclude consequential losses of any kind whatsoever Operator error resulting in undue wear and tear, damage to equipment, pipework or internal pool surfaces. European Standards – SPATA’s Response
What feedback do you have on what has been discussed? What needs updating in the SPATA Standards? SPATA Standards