Apprenticeships James Bruton
Jobs that apprenticed Blacksmiths Leatherwork Carpenters Brick layers
Process of apprenticeships Decide which trade you would like to enter. Find a master of that trade and convince him to apprentice you. No pay is required because you learn the trade in return for producing goods for your master. Work for a minimum of about 2 and a half years to earn the title of journeyman. Start your own business in that trade, and eventually have your own apprentices.
Master requirements Have a skilled education in his trade. Has to be able to provide an adequate education in his trade for his apprentice. Has to be able to provide sleeping quarters as well as food and water for the apprentice.
Differences in Apprenticeships Some apprentices sleep in the shop or in the house of the master. Some apprentices sleep in the home depending on where the shop is located in reference to where the apprentices house is. Some apprentices will work so far away from home they cannon see their family for the inconvenience and expense of traveling.
Bibliography "Children of The 1800's." Home. Web. 16 Apr "Apprenticeship - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia." Main Page - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 16 Apr "Google Image Result for صور Google. Web. 18 Apr Registered Apprenticeships: Labor Could Do More to Expand to Other Occupations: GAO " GAO Reports (2001): 1. MAS Ultra - School Edition. EBSCO. Web. 18 Apr Crosby, Olivia. "Apprenticeships." Occupational Outlook Quarterly 46.2 (2002): 2. MAS Ultra - School Edition. EBSCO. Web. 18 Apr Simms, M.C. "Are apprenticeships the answer?." Black Enterprise 22.7 (1992): 57. MAS Ultra - School Edition. EBSCO. Web. 18 Apr