Know where all safety equipment and MSDS sheets are kept!
Science laboratories must be equipped with all of the following safety equipment except? A. Eyewash station B. Fire blanket C. Fire extinguisher D. None of the above
MSDS stands for- A. Materials Standards Demand Safety B. Make Safety Determinations Simple C. Material Safety Data Sheet D. Many Students Demand Safety
Keep all food and drinks out of the lab!
True or False? Since water is an neutral chemical, it is acceptable to have a water bottle in the lab. Since water is an neutral chemical, it is acceptable to have a water bottle in the lab.
Listen to and follow all oral and written instructions!
Do not begin any lab activities without permission from the teacher!
Perform only the lab activities that have been assigned. Never make up your own experiment!
Be sure to keep your work area free from all clutter in order to keep your work area clean and orderly!
If you do not understand an oral instruction or writen portion of the procedure, you should- A. Figure it out as you complete the lab. B. Try several approaches to find the one that works best. C. Skip to the next part of the lab. D. Ask the instructor for assistance.
Place all lab equipment away from the edge of the lab table to prevent accidents. Report any accidents to the teacher immediately.
Stay in your assigned group and conduct yourself appropriately (NO HORSEPLAY)!
Which of the following is not horseplay? A. Breaking a test tube as a result of turning the water on too high. B. Trading lab materials with other groups to make it more interesting. C. Hitting Jimmy because he pulled your hair. D. Performing unauthorized experiments.
Always report any accidents (cuts, scrapes, burns, chemical spills, fires, etc.) immediately and take appropriate safety measures!
Keep long hair tied back and secure any baggy clothes! Keep long hair tied back and secure any baggy clothes!
Which of the following footwear is inappropriate for the lab? A. Tennis shoes B. Closed-toe shoes C. Sandals D. Penny loafers
Wear safety goggles and lab aprons when appropriate! Do not wear contact lenses in the lab when using chemicals!
True or False? Personal eyeglasses provide the same amount of protection as safety glasses (goggles) worn in the lab. Personal eyeglasses provide the same amount of protection as safety glasses (goggles) worn in the lab.
Never use broken or cracked glassware! Notify the teacher immediately of any broken equipment and dispose of it appropriately.
Use a test tube clamp to hold a test tube and always point the open end away from yourself and others!
Never leave hot plates, Bunsen burners, candles, etc. unattended!
Keep water away from all electrical equipment! Plug in and unplug all lab equipment correctly.
How many safety errors are being made by this student? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
Never use chemicals from unlabeled containers! Dispose of chemicals as instructed by the teacher. Never return used chemicals to the original container.
Use a wafting motion to detect odors! Never inhale (smell) fumes directly!
When using a wafting motion- A. Place your nose directly over the container. B. Gently blow into the container to release molecules. C. Use your hand to move the molecules toward your nose. D. None of the above.
Never taste any chemicals! For your safety keep chemicals from contacting the eyes and skin!
If a chemical contacts the skin be sure to wash the area immediately using- A. Soap and water B. Oil C. A weak base D. Plenty of water
Handle sharp instruments carefully! Always cut away from your body.
Clean up your lab area when finished. Return all supplies to the appropriate location!
True or False? Conservation of materials should be encouraged. Students should return any unused chemicals to the original container. Conservation of materials should be encouraged. Students should return any unused chemicals to the original container.
Wash hands thoroughly before leaving the lab!
Failure to follow lab safety rules will result in your removal from the activity and a zero for lab participation!