Welcome to Back to School Night! Mrs. Cooperman Mrs. Engelhardt Ms. Orsini Ms. Zielinski 7 th Grade Pre-Algebra: CMP3 Connected Mathematics Project
Connected Math Program 3 Aligned with Common Core Helps students with problem solving Promotes deeper understanding of concepts Promotes learning by doing, not by watching New Standardized test= reading, writing, comprehending, and explaining Makes math a more concrete subject to grasp, relates it to real life
CMP3 continued… 8 books throughout the year Listed on the Course Description Binder upkeep is essential Keeping lessons and homework in chronological order No writing in the books Copies of lesson materials are given in advance
Typical Day Homework- check answer keys; check with group members; additional explanation by teacher as needed CMP3: Connected Math Project Launch – Introduction and Focus Explore (The Problem) Summary
Launch (Introduces the Focus Question)
Explore (With Partners or Groups)
Summary (Related to the Focus Question)
Grading (Total Points) Homework Graded on a scale from = All work shown, all questions fully answered (not just the answer) 2 = All questions answered, some work shown (“a little something missing”) 1= some questions answered, some work shown (“a little something done”) 0 = nothing done Late assignments can be made up for partial credit
Group Work ON TASK ACTIVE PARTICIPATION RESPECT FOR OTHERS EXCELLENT BEHAVIOR Each individual student will receive a “group grade.” This grade is based on how the individual student contributes to the group activity. Grades range from Not always an everyday grade
Quizzes, Tests, Projects, Quizzes: Individual, partner, notebook – Taken at the end of a chapter or during if the chapter is long; points vary Tests: at the end of each book; individual work; points vary Unit Projects: At the end of each unit, will be explained in detail when assigned
What to Study Supplementary Sheets (“Class Notes”) Explore questions Homework questions/answers Summaries from class
Quiz Review
Extra Help Morning, at lunch time, during study hall, or at the end of the day, depending upon the teacher’s availability. Teachers may be contacted via for a morning pass if one wasn’t picked up during the day New morning pass policy: students are allowed into the building at 7:30 a.m. with a teacher’s pass
Genesis Updated every few days; the Rotating- Drop schedule is a factor Homework and group work are included Tests and quizzes will be posted on Genesis within the week, but all students need to have taken the assess- ment in order for the students to get them back
My Website Homework is written on calendar Tests and quizzes are listed in advance Summary answer keys are uploaded Review Summaries for quizzes/tests Internet Resources
Absences Students are responsible for getting missed work If going to be absent for multiple days, please let me know 3 days in advance Lesson pages and “Class Notes” are sent to the Guidance Office for pick up Complete the homework and hand in in order to get credit Missed tests/quizzes can be made up after the homework is checked
Further information/requests: please contact me via First Class Thank you for visiting tonight!