Eurostat DSS November 2013 Strategic issues related to the modernisation of European social statistics Standardisation of variables
Eurostat Standardisation of variables (Proposal 7) Very broad agreement to review definitions, response categories and implementation guidelines of all variables used in several surveys 30 opinions, 29 in favour, 1 against? "We support that further efforts need to be taken to harmonise the variables used in social surveys" "The standardisation of variables and modules, as well as the review of definitions are very important strands of the modernisation strategy."
Eurostat Core vs. common social variables Core social variables: Background variables Obligatory in all social surveys (of households or individuals) Common social variables: Background variables To be included in most, but not all social surveys (of households or individuals) Decision of inclusion to be based on relevance and on precision considerations
Eurostat Review of existing core social variables (Proposals 1 to 3) Very broad agreement to delete 'Legal marital status' from list of core social variables 28 opinions: 25 in favour, 3 against Very broad agreement to downgrade 'status in employment' (self- employed / employee) to common social variable 29 opinions: 24 in favour, 5 against Broad agreement to delete 'economic sector in employment’ from list of core social variables 28 opinions: 21 in favour, 7 against Compromise proposal: downgrading to common social variable
Eurostat Introduction of new core or common social variables (Proposals 4 to 6) Health variables (see separate item on the agenda) A majority is not convinced by the proposal to introduce 'participation in the information society' as a core social variable 29 opinions: 7 in favour, 22 against Measurement issue further work to be done by the subject matter Working Group Relevance issue further documentation to be provided Eurostat will come back to the DSS with additional information A majority supports the introduction of 'country of birth of parents' as common social variable 28 opinions: 22 in favour, 6 against
Eurostat Creation of standards for modules (Proposals 8 and 9) Unanimous agreement to create standard modules on geographic information and demography 29 opinions: all 29 in favour Broad agreement to pursue the standardisation of modules across surveys 29 opinions: 27 in favour, 2 against