Home of the Panthers!.  Mr. Ray is the Principal  Ms. Dixon is the Assistant Principal.


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Presentation transcript:

Home of the Panthers!

 Mr. Ray is the Principal  Ms. Dixon is the Assistant Principal

 Receive a free high quality education  To be safe at school  To be treated fairly, courteously, and respectfully  To bring complaints/concerns to the school principal or staff for resolution  To tell his/her side of the story before receiving a consequence  To be told the reason for any consequence  To express opinions, support causes, peacefully

 To read and become familiar with this policy  To attend school daily and be prepared for class  To know, and obey school rules given by any school personnel  To tell school personnel about any dangerous behavior at school or on the way to/from school  To treat everyone with respect  To respect school property, community property, and the property of others

Be responsible truthful and courteous Think before you speak or act Accept consequences Use best effort Actively participate in class Complete work on time Ask for help Communicate safety concerns Wear your ID (We’ll get these later in the year) Walk when indoors KHAFOOTY (Keep hands and feet and other objects to yourself) P.R.I.S.M. (Pencil, Ready, ID, Seated, Materials ) Listen to speaker and follow directions first time they are given Use respectful volume, tone, language Speak with permission Dress for success and follow dress code

Be responsible, truthful and courteous Applause at appropriate times Sit quietly KHAFOOTY! Wear your ID Walk Listen to presenter(s) Follow directions first time they are given Use respectful volume, tone, language Speak with permission

Be considerate of others Be Positive KHAFOOTY Walk – Keep to right Electronic devices off and in locker Arrive on time before bell rings Dress appropriately Use respectful volume, tone and language (please, excuse me)

Enjoy your talk time Interact positively with those around you Speak kindly Use good manners Choose healthy foods KHAFOOTY Stay seated until dismissed by an adult Eat your food only Walk to and from the lunch line Use respectful volume, tone & language Keep food on tray Clean up after yourself and your area

Keep restroom clean Return to class quickly KHAFOOTY Wash your hands Use trash can Remember to ______________ the toilet!

 In order to be successful, you must attend school every day.  All students must be ready to enter the building by no later then 7:55  Teachers will pick up students at 8:00

 Who is ready to go to school?

 Palmer Uniform ◦ Baby blue or dark blue polo shirt (Palmer Logo is optional) ◦ Navy khaki pants, knee length skirts ◦ Solid colored tights ◦ There will be spirit wear days

Electronic Devices Cell phones, iPods, and other electronic devices need to be turned off and in your locker or left at home. If used during school, the first time we will return it to you, anytime after that, they will be held until a parent comes to pick them up. No cameras or digital cameras

 If you verbally abuse, threaten, BULLY or harass* a staff member or another student, you may be suspended out of school. * As determined by the victim  Everyone has the right to feel safe and supported. Harassment will not be tolerated

 If you bring a weapon (or anything that looks like a weapon) on school property, you will be suspended from school, and the police may be involved.  If someone tries to offer you drugs or alcohol, say no and tell an adult.  Never bring drugs or alcohol to school.  After investigation, suspension could lead to expulsion from school.

 Failure to follow school and district policies may result in the loss of computer privileges at school.  Computers must be used for school assigned projects only.

 All school rules apply on the bus.  Sit in a seat, visit quietly with friends  Bus transportation to and from school is a privilege, not a right.  Inappropriate behavior may result in a suspension from the bus and/or from school.  All buses have video surveillance.

 Students may not carry prescription or non- prescription medications at school.  All medications must be stored and administered by school health office staff.

 Students must leave the building by 3:10 p.m. unless you are involved in after school supervised activities.  Students must sign up in advance through After School programming to participate in after school sports.  All students must be under the supervision of a teacher/coach in order to be in the building.

 School Rules Apply  School Consequences Apply  This includes other CPS schools

 Assault/Fight  Disrespect/Defiance/Insubordination  Constant Disruptions  Drug/Alcohol Possession  Gang Related Behavior  Harassment – Of any kind, for any reason – Treat everyone with respect  Profanity (swearing)  Skipping Class  Technology misuse/security issue  Theft  Threats  Tobacco Use/ Possession  Use of an Electronic Device without Permission (phone, iPod, camera, etc.)  Vandalism  Prescriptions  Weapon

 Your teacher will write a report  Student conference with AP/Principal  Consequence – student conference, parent conference, phone call home, ISS, OSS Expulsion, community service, etc.  Progressive discipline (consequences get more serious if you keep getting in trouble)  Fair, Firm, Consistent  Support you during this process and after, but you will be held accountable

 We say the pledge every morning  Anyone who does not wish to participate in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance for any personal reasons may elect not to do so and that students must respect another person's right to make that choice.  Students who do not participate cannot be teased or harassed as a result of their decision.

I am a proud Palmer Panther. I believe in myself and our community. My mind is open and I am ready to learn. I will fulfill my potential. I am determined. I will never give up. I will respect all the cultures that make Palmer beautiful. I am a proud Palmer Panther.

Emergency Drills per year in all public schools  These drills need to take place throughout the school year.  There are three types of drills:  Fire drills  Lock down drills  Take Cover drill

- Follow instructions given - Do so quietly and quickly - Stay as orderly as possible - Assist others who may need help - Follow instructions given - When relocated, stay together until told to move to another location

 Whenever you have a question or need help with anything, please ask.  The John Palmer staff is here to help you.