DEFINITION OF MINERAL Naturally occurring, Inorganic Solid with a definable chemical composition and crystal structure Physical Properties Crystal Form (Shape) Page 22
Cubic - Fluorite
Dodecahedron - Garnet
Hexagonal Prism - Quartz
Octahedron - Magnetite
03_18.jpg Cleavage Page 23 Planes of weakness along which minerals break One PlaneTwo Planes at right angles Two Planes not at right angles Three Planes at right angles Three Planes not at right angles
Fracture Page 23 no well defined cleavage planes Conchoidal Fracture Specific Gravity The weight of a mineral compared to the same volume of water Luster Intensity of light reflected off a mineral Metallic, non-metallic- glassy (vitreous) and earthy (dull)
Color and Streak Page 24 Hardness – Mohs Scale Soft Medium Hard Other Properties Reaction with acid Taste Magnetism